Paderborn Postcolonial


Many German and European cities (e.g. Paris, Berlin, Freiburg, Bielefeld) have dedicated working groups that work on the local postcolonial heritage: Which citizens of one's own city and region were active in the colonies in Africa or Asia in the 19th century, e.g. as traders, entrepreneurs, soldiers, administrators or missionaries? What relationships and networks were established between the colonies and the "mother country"? What material goods (e.g., commodities, art or utilitarian objects) were exchanged? What power structures developed and how were they shaped and used? The goal of the student project is to examine Paderborn's postcolonial history in more detail by locating actors and their networks and analysing their activities.


Students are writing blog entries on the colonial history of Paderborn.

Interdisciplinary Aspects and Transfer

We cooperate closely with the City and district archives in Paderborn (Wilhelm Grabe).

Key Facts

Postcolonialism, History of the City of Paderborn, Colonial Heritage
Research profile area:
Transformation and Education
Transformation and Education
Project type:
Teaching project
Project duration:
09/2022 - 10/2025
Contribution to sustainability:
Reduced Inequality, Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Korinna Sch?nh?rl

Modern and Contemporary History

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Dr. Christin Hansen

Modern and Contemporary History

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Project Team

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Dr. Christin Hansen

Modern and Contemporary History

About the person


If you have any questions about this project, contact us!

Annette Zaloudek

Contemporary History

Mitarbeiterin - Sekret?rin

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Dr. Christin Hansen

Modern and Contemporary History

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

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