3DSE / MB - Certification-compliant impact chain modeling for the automotive industry


Due to future technologies such as autonomous driving, automotive manufacturers in Germany are faced with the challenge of securing software updates and identifying negative effects on other subsystems and system components. The Chair of Product Development supports several large German automotive manufacturers in the certification-compliant mapping of impact chains. The modeling and analysis of effect chains will become a prerequisite for type approvals of motor vehicles in the course of new certification requirements such as UN-ECE R155 and 156 for the cybersecurity of vehicles and the management of software updates. The impact chains link regulations with customer and system functions as well as software components. Through these links, effects within the resulting system model can be analyzed and action measures derived.

Key Facts

Project duration:
01/2022 - 12/2024
Funded by:
Projektseite des Fachgebietes

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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Iris Gr??ler

Produktentstehung / Heinz Nixdorf Institut

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