Application-ready superresolution in space and frequency (ApresSF) Teilprojekt Anwendungsnahe Superaufl?sung in Raum und Frequenz - TV Zeit und Frequenz


The ApresSF project started in the spring of 2020 under the umbrella of the QuantERA network, which aims at strengthening quantum technologies research across Europe. The general goal of this three-year project is the development of a user friendly hard- and software platform for super-resolved time and frequency measurements.

Besides the “Integrated Quantum Optics” group of Professor Christine Silberhorn at Paderborn University, the consortium comprises workgroups from Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, and France. Led by Professor Lukasz Rudnicki from Gdansk University, ApresSF will provide innovative theory approaches and novel quantum devices that facilitate the measurement of timings and spectra with a resolution that goes far beyond anything that is possible when using classical physics only. The Paderborn research, which is led by Dr. Benjamin Brecht, will focus on designing and building the required quantum devices and performing the experiments.

Project ApresSF is supported by the BMBF under the QuantERA programme, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Scientific contacs: Dr. Benjamin Brecht, Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn 

Key Facts

Research profile area:
Optoelectronics and Photonics
Project duration:
03/2020 - 02/2024
Funded by:
Projekt ApresSF
Profilbereich Optolelektronik und Photonik

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn

Integrated Quantum Optics

About the person

Cooperating Institutions

Palack? University Olomouc

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Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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Sorbonne Université

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If you have any questions about this project, contact us!

Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn

Integrated Quantum Optics

Professorin - Leiterin - Lehrstuhlinhaberin

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Dr. Benjamin Brecht

Integrated Quantum Optics

Akademischer Oberrat - Gruppenleiter "Quantennetzwerke"

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