TRR 142 - Subproject A11


Key Facts

Project duration:
01/2022 - 12/2025

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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Uwe Gerstmann

Theoretical Materials Physics

About the person


Relativistic calculation of the orbital hyperfine splitting in complex microscopic structures
K. Franzke, W.G. Schmidt, U. Gerstmann, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2701 (2024).
Defect-Assisted Exciton Transfer across the Tetracene-Si(111):H Interface
M. Krenz, U. Gerstmann, W.G. Schmidt, Physical Review Letters 132 (2024).
A density-functional theory study of hole and defect-bound exciton polarons in lithium niobate
F. Schmidt, A.L. Kozub, U. Gerstmann, W.G. Schmidt, A. Schindlmayr, Crystals 12 (2022).
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