TRR 285 - Subproject C02


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Dynamic conformity assessment for joining force monitoring using Bayes filters
L. Butzhammer, F. Kappe, G. Meschut, T. Hausotte, in: Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.
Combination of versatile self-piercing riveting processes
S. Wituschek, F. Kappe, G. Meschut, M. Lechner, in: Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.
Versatile self-piercing riveting with a tumbling superimposed punch
S. Wituschek, L. Elbel, M. Lechner, in: Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.
Mechanical Properties and Joinability of AlSi9 Alloy Manufactured by Twin‐Roll Casting
M. Neuser, F. Kappe, J. Ostermeier, J.T. Krüger, M. Bobbert, G. Meschut, M. Schaper, O. Grydin, Advanced Engineering Materials 24 (2022).
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