TRR 318 - Project Area RTG - Integrated Research Training Group


The Research Training Group (RTG) provides a framework for the structured qualification of doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to prepare them to conduct interdisciplinay research. The RTG offers an extensive workshop program to help early career researchers develop their professional and personal skills and organizes events such as writing ashrams or conferences. Early career researchers can also take advantage of the counseling services, short mentoring programs, and networking opportunities provided by the RTG.

Key Facts

Project duration:
07/2021 - 12/2025
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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Ingrid Scharlau

Kognitive Psychologie und Psychologiedidaktik

About the person


Schreibfokussierte Graduiertenf?rderung: Reflexive Spezialisierung für interdisziplin?re Forschungskontexte
I. Scharlau, A. Karsten, in: B. Berendt, A. Fleischmann, G. Salmhofer, N. Schaper, B. Szczyrba, M. Wiemer, J. Wildt (Eds.), Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre, DUZ medienhaus, 2023, pp. 17–35.
Voices in Dialogue: Taking Polyphony in Academic Writing Seriously
A. Karsten, Written Communication 41 (2023) 6–36.
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