German Studies Partnership Pader-Akdeniz-Marmara


The partnership between Paderborn University, Akdeniz University Antalya and Marmara University Istanbul in the field of German studies focuses on joint research in the areas of education for sustainable development, global citizen education and tourism from the perspectives of literary studies, linguistics, cultural studies and didactics, with discourse analysis and postcolonial approaches being important points of reference.

Key Facts

Project duration:
01/2024 - 12/2026
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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Sandra Ballweg

German as a second and foreign language (Ballweg)

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Project Team

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Prof. Dr. Michael Hofmann

Institut für Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft

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Dr. Swen Schulte Eickholt

Neuere deutsche Literatur

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Dr. Cornelia Zierau

Neuere deutsche Literatur

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Dr. Denise Büttner

German as a second and foreign language (Ballweg)

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Sevgi Arkilic Songoren


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Yasemin BALCI

Marmara Universit?t

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Leyla Co?an

Marmara Universit?t

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Kemal Demir


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Serap Devran

Marmara Universit?t

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Cooperating Institutions


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Marmara Universit?t

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