Political Economy of Digital Media and Digital Communication


The goal of this project is to ground the foundations and develop the approach of the Political Economy of Digital Media and Communication. It applies the international research and theory approach of the Political Economy of the Media and Communication to the realms of the Internet and digital media.

The project theorises and analyses the politics and the economy of the Internet, digital media, and digital communication as well as the combination of these phenomena’s politics and economy (Political Economy of Digital Media, Digital Communication, and the Internet).


The main question this project asks is:

How does the political economy of digital media, digital communication, and the Internet work?

The approach taken combines and develops critical approaches in the realms of theories, qualitative research methods, and ethics.

The thereby grounded approach is applied to study themes such as digital labour, the digital political economy, digital democracy, the digital public sphere, digital politics, social media and society, as well as discourses and ideologies on and of the Internet.

Key Facts

Project duration:
04/2022 - 12/2030

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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Christian Fuchs

Media Systems and Media Organisation

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Project Team

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Dr. Sevda Can Arslan

Media Systems and Media Organisation

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Dr. Thomas Allmer

Media Systems and Media Organisation

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Selected Publications

Der digitale Kapitalismus. Arbeit, Entfremdung und Ideologie im Informationszeitalter
C. Fuchs, Der digitale Kapitalismus. Arbeit, Entfremdung und Ideologie im Informationszeitalter, Beltz Juventa, Weinheim, 2023.
Digital Democracy and the Digital Public Sphere
C. Fuchs, Digital Democracy and the Digital Public Sphere, Routledge, London, 2023.
Digital Ethics. Media, Communication and Society Volume Five
C. Fuchs, Digital Ethics. Media, Communication and Society Volume Five, Routledge, New York, 2023.
Transform the Internet: Why we Need a Public Service Internet
C. Fuchs, K. Unterberger, Public Value Texte 25 (2022) 54–63.
Digital Humanism. A Philosophy for 21st Century Digital Society. SocietyNow Series
C. Fuchs, Digital Humanism. A Philosophy for 21st Century Digital Society. SocietyNow Series, Emerald, Bingley, 2022.
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