Dr. S?ren von der Gracht, (geb. Schwenker)

Chair of Applied Mathematics

Member - PostDoc

Postdoctoral Researcher

Office Address:
Technologiepark 21
33100 Paderborn

Dynamical Systems and applications: Network dynamical systems with diadic and higher-order interactions. Structural investigations via algebraic symmetry methods and their generalizations.


Research Interests

  • Network Dynamical Systems
    • Genericity
    • Bifurcation Theory
    • Application of Representation Theory
    • Connections to Equivariant Dynamics
    • Heteroclinic Dynamics
    • Higher-Order Interactions
    • Applications to Real-World Systems
  • Equivariant DynamicsEquivariant Dynamics
    • Genericity
    • Bifurcation Theory
  • Representation Theory
    • Decomposition of Representations
    • Monoid Representations
    • Quiver Representations
    • Connections to Networks


Latest Publications

Heteroclinic dynamics in network dynamical systems with higher-order interactions

C. Bick, S. von der Gracht, Journal of Complex Networks 12 (2024).

Symmetry Preservation in Swarms of Oblivious Robots with Limited Visibility

R. Gerlach, S. von der Gracht, C. Hahn, J. Harbig, P. Kling, ArXiv:2409.19277 (n.d.).

Hypernetworks: Cluster Synchronization Is a Higher-Order Effect

S. von der Gracht, E. Nijholt, B. Rink, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 83 (2023) 2329–2353.

Higher order interactions lead to "reluctant" synchrony breaking

S. von der Gracht, E. Nijholt, B. Rink, ArXiv:2311.17186 (2023).

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Current Courses

  • Wahlpflichtveranstaltung Modellieren und Anwendungen: Dynamische Prozesse (?bung)
  • Wahlpflichtveranstaltung Modellieren und Anwendungen: Dynamische Prozesse
  • Dynamische Systeme im maschinellen Lernen und in Netzwerken (?bung)
  • Dynamische Systeme im maschinellen Lernen und in Netzwerken