Dr. Hossam Elgabarty

Theoretische Chemie
Group Leader
Office Address:
365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn


Latest Publications

Isostructural Series of a Cyclometalated Iron Complex in Three Oxidation States

J. Steube, L. Fritsch, A. Kruse, O.S. Bokareva, S. Demeshko, H. Elgabarty, R. Schoch, M. Alaraby, H. Egold, B. Bracht, L. Schmitz, S. Hohloch, T.D. Kühne, F. Meyer, O. Kühn, S. Lochbrunner, M. Bauer, Inorganic Chemistry (2024).

Ultrafast Two‐Color X‐Ray Emission Spectroscopy Reveals Excited State Landscape in a Base Metal Dyad

M. Nowakowski, M. Huber‐Gedert, H. Elgabarty, A. Kalinko, J. Kubicki, A. Kertmen, N. Lindner, D. Khakhulin, F.A. Lima, T. Choi, M. Biednov, L. Schmitz, N. Piergies, P. Zalden, K. Kubicek, A. Rodriguez‐Fernandez, M.A. Salem, S.E. Canton, C. Bressler, T.D. Kühne, W. Gawelda, M. Bauer, Advanced Science (2024).

Understanding Hydration in CPO‐27 Metal‐Organic Frameworks: Strong Impact of the Chemical Nature of the Metal (Cu, Zn)

M. Klo?, M. Beerbaum, D. Baier, C. Weinberger, F. Zysk, H. Elgabarty, T.D. Kühne, M. Tiemann, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2024) 2400476.

Breaking the exascale barrier for the electronic structure problem in ab-initio molecular dynamics

R. Schade, T. Kenter, H. Elgabarty, M. Lass, T. Kühne, C. Plessl, The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (2023).

Ultrafast two-colour X-ray emission spectroscopy reveals excited state landscape in a base metal dyad

M. Nowakowski, M. Huber-Gedert, H. Elgabarty, J. Kubicki, A. Kertem, N. Lindner, D. Khakhulin, F.A. Lima, T.-K. Choi, M. Biednov, N. Piergies, P. Zalden, K. Kubicek, A. Rodriguez-Fernandez, M.A. Salem, T. Kühne, W. Gawelda, M. Bauer, Arxiv (2023).

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