Dr. Anna-Lena Berscheid

Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems

Member - Former

Ehemalige Kollegiatin im Forschungskolleg "Leicht - Effzient - Mobil"

Further Information

Research Focus and Interests

  • Gender Studies
  • STS (Science and Technology Studies)
  • Gender in Popular Culture
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Inter- and Transdisciplinarity
  • Conspiracy Theories


  • Winter Term 2013/2014: Sexy, aber für wen? Sexuelle Subversion in Musikvideoclips. Introductory course on gender performance and sexual subversion in video clips at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
  • Winter Term 2014/2015: "Wirklichkeit ist Ansichtssache": Von Riesenechsen und anderen Geheimbünden, die die Welt regieren. Zur (De)Konstruktion von Verschw?rungstheorien. Introdoctury course on conspiracy theories at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
  • Winter Term 2015/2016: Frauen und Technik! Zur Interdependenz von Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Geschlecht. Introductory course on gender in science and technology, University of Paderborn.
  • Winter Term 2015/2016: Geschlecht in den Natur, Technik- und Ingenieurswissenschaften. Lecture series organized by the Department for Sociology, the Center for Gender Studies and the NRW-Forschungskolleg "Leicht - Effizient - Mobil", University of Paderborn. Responsible for organization and execution.
  • Winter Term 2016/2017: "Why do bad things happen to good people?" oder: Von Riesenechsen Chemtrails, den Freimaurern und der Frage, wer die Welt regiert. Zur (De)Konstruktion von Verschw?rungstheorien. Introductory course on conspiracy theories in Sociology, University of Paderborn.
  • Summer Term 2017: "All I can do is be me - whoever that is." Einführung in die Gender Studies. Introduction to Gender Studies, University of Paderborn.
  • Winter Term 2017/2018: "Grenzüberschreitungen. Inter- und Transdisziplinarit?t im Kontext von Nachhaltigkeit und Transformation." Lecture series organized by the NRW-Forschungskolleg "Leicht - Effizient - Mobil" und the Department for Sociology, University of Paderborn. Responsible for organization and execution.
  • Summer Term 2018: "Karneval der Kulturlosen?" Geschichte und Aktualit?t der Cultural Appropriation. Introductory Class, University of Paderborn. Taught together with Dr. Antonio Roselli.


  • 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science)
  • EASST (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology)
  • Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien
  • Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft Soziologie (DGS) - Sektion Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung


  • Organization of several events in the context of the NRW-Forschungskolleg "Leicht - Effizient - Mobil" such as the Summer School 2015, the Denkschule 2016, 2018 and colloquia.
  • Conceptual planning and execution of two lecture series at the University of Paderborn.
  • Conceptual planning and execution of the international workshop "?Self-Driving Cars and the Transformation of Public and Private Transportation“, November 6 and 7 2014, University of Paderborn
  • 2015 & 2016: Contribution to the Annual Reports 2015 & 2016 of the Faculty for Mechanical Engineering, University of Paderborn.
  • Participant of the Winter School td lab 2018, conducted by ETH Zürich in Wislikofen/Switzerland in January 2018.

Invited Talks

  • 05.05.2015: Aus Liebe zum Auto? Warum autonome Fahrzeuge M?nnlichkeit(en) in der Automobilkultur herausfordern. Invited talk in context of the lecture series "Die Liebe zum Automobil. Geschlechteranalysen jenseits von Stereotypie und Neutralit?t" at the Technical University of Braunschweig.
  • 01.07.2015: Aus Liebe zum Auto? Invited talk at the team workshop of CARMEQ in Braunlage, Germany.
  • 24.11.2015: M?nnlichkeit und Maschine. Autonome Fahrzeuge und ihre Bedeutung für (hegemoniale) M?nnlichkeitskonzepte. Invited talk as part of the lecture series "gender_fokussiert: Aktuelle Themen der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in den MINT-Wissenschaften" at the Technical University of Chemnitz.
  • 02.07.2016: Wo bleibt der 'Fahrspa?? Warum autonomes Fahren M?nnlichkeit(en) in der Automobilkultur herausfordert. Invited talk as part of the event "Women in Mobility 2016" in the context of the Rocoup 2016 in Leipzig, Germany.
  • 20.01.2017: Die K?rper der Stars - Lady Gaga als lebende Puppe in Mode, Kunst und Popkultur. Invited talk as part of the interdisciplinary workshop "Doll Up'n'Down", 19./20.01.2017 at the University of Paderborn.
  • 26.06.2019: Do Artifacts have a Gender? Guest lecture as part of the lecture ?Einführung in die Geschlechtersoziologie. Gendered Bodies II: K?rper, Technologie und Geschlecht“ at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Potsdam.

Talks given at conferences

  • 06.05.2014: Anorektische Jungfrauen und griechische G?tter. Eine Kritik der Rollen-und K?rperbilder in 50 Shades of Grey. Talk given as part of the series "Feministisch Poppen - Popkultur kritisch gelesen", organized by the Gender- and Women's Project Group "MIA miteinander" at the University of Paderborn.
  • 19.09.2014: The Human-Machine-Relationship between the Autonomous Car and Its Driver - a (Science) Fiction of Solidarity? Paper presented in the context of the EASST-conference "Situating Solidarities" in Torún/Poland, 16.-19.09.2014.
  • 06.11.2014: The future is now? Science Fiction narratives in the discourse on autonomous cars. Paper presented within the workshop "Self-Driving Cars and the Transformation of Public and Private Transportation" at the University of Paderborn, 06./07.11.2014.
  • 05.12.2015: "Driving will one day be foolproof and accidents unknown...": (Science) Fictions of Self Driving Car Research. Talk given together with G?de Both (TU Braunschweig) at the conference "Living in Technoscientific Worlds", organized by STS Austria in Vienna/Austria, 03.-05.12.2015.
  • 09.05.2016: Bringing Gender into Engineering. Or: On being Othered. Paper presented in the context of the 15th annual STS Conference Graz, "Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies", in Graz/Austria, 09./10.05.2016.
  • 12.05.2016: "Das Forschen der Anderen": Grenzziehungsprozesse im inter- und transdisziplin?ren Forschungsumfeld. Talk given at the spring meeting of the DGS-Sektion Wissenschafts und Technikforschung, "Ingenieure der Gesellschaft. Zur Soziologie der Technikwissenschaften" at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, 11./12.05.2016.
  • 03.09.2016: "Everyday I'm hustlin': On being a Feminist STS Scholar." Paper presented at the 4S/EASST conference "Science and Technology by other means" in Barcelona/Spain, 31.08.-03.09.2016.
  • 15.09.2016: Masculinities in Danger? The Autonomous Car as Game Changer. Talk given at the conference "Cars In/Of Culture" at Mansfield College in Oxford/UK, 13.-15.09.2016.
  • 13.07.2017: Taking Participant Observation Literally. Paper presented in the context of the First 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网 of theColleex Network on Ethnographic Experimentation in Lisbon/Portugal.
  • 30.08.2017: Them - Adventures with Civil Society. Presentation as part of the 4S conference "Making (In)Sensibilities" in Boston/USA, 30.08.-02.09.2017.
  • 14.09.2017: When worlds collide? First experiences with inter- and transdisciplinarity. Panel presentation at the International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2017 at the Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany, 11.-15.09.2017.
  • 15.06.2018: Demonstrating interdisciplinarity: Technology carriers as artefacts of/for crossing boundaries in scientific collaborations. Paper presented at the symposium “Ideals and practice of interdisciplinary research” of STS Finland in Tampere/Finland, 14./15.06.2018.
  • 25.07.2018: Meeting of the Minds. Or: On building walls instead of bridges.  Talk given at the EASST-conference "Making Science, Technology and Society Together" in Lancaster/UK, 25.-28.07.2018.
  • 06.12.2018: Tales of transformation. On the transformative potential of self-driving cars. Presentation as part of the international workshop "Who's driving? Agency and Evidence in the History of Technical Safety" the Technical University Munich, 06. und 07.12.2018.
  • 13.06.2019: Intervention als Praxis der Feminist STS. Presentation at the symposium "Quo Vadis Feminist STS? Genealogien, Herausforderungen und Visionen feministischer Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung", TU  Berlin, 13./14.06.2019.