Prof. Dr. Matthias Weigelt

Psychology and Human Movement

Contact and Affiliations

Office Address:
Harsewinkelweg 4
33100 Paderborn

About Matthias Weigelt

I am a Professor of Psychology and Human Movement Science at the Department of Sport & Health at the University of Paderborn in Germany.


Research Interests

My research focuses on (1) the role of athletic expertise in the coupling of perception and action, (2) the neurocognitive mechanism underlying motor learning, and (3) the effects of physical exercise on psychological well-being.


Latest Publications

Further information about neural valence-dependent processing of augmented feedback in extensive motor practice: An analysis of frontal theta-band activity

L. Margraf, D. Krause, M. Weigelt, in: D. Koester, L. Kr?mer, L. Fuhlert , J. Everding, F. Weilharter, A. Marlovitz (Eds.), BSP Business & Law School Berlin, Methodenvielfalt: Lebendigkeit in Theorie und Praxis. 56. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie., 2024.

The influence of effort instruction on fake production costs in basketball novices and experienced basketball players.

N.T. B?er, I. Güldenpenning, M. Weigelt, in: D. Koester, L. Kr?mer, L. Fuhlert, J. Everding, F. Weilharter, A. Marlovits (Eds.), 56. Jahrestagung Der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Sportpsychologie (ASP), Berlin, 2024, p. 119.

Context-specific adaptation for head fakes in basketball: a study on player-specific fake-frequency schedules

I. Güldenpenning, N.T. B?er, W. Kunde, C.G. Giesen, K. Rothermund, M. Weigelt, Psychological Research (2024).

The affective responses to moderate physical activity: A further validation study for the German versions of the Feeling Scale and the Felt Arousal Scale

K. Thorenz, G. Sudeck, A. Berwinkel, M. Weigelt, in: D. Koester, L. Kr?mer, L. Fuhlert, J. Everding, F. Weilharter, A. Marlovits (Eds.), Methodenvielfalt: Lebendigkeit in Theorie Und Praxis Abstractband Zur 56. Jahrestagung Der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Sportpsychologie (ASP), 2024.

Action inhibition in a sport-specific paradigm: examining the limits of action control in basketball

C. Wickemeyer, I. Güldenpenning, M. Weigelt, Psychological Research (2024).

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Teaching Areas

I teach various courses in Sport Psychology, Human Movement Science, and Research Methods and Statistics.

Current Courses

  • Grundlagen der Bewegungswissenschaft
  • Forschungskolloquium Psychologie und Bewegung
  • Einführung in die Sportpsychologie - Grundthemen
  • Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten in der Sportpsychologie und Bewegungswissenschaft

Further Information

CV (short)

Matthias Weigelt studied sport science, social sciences, and psychology at the universities in Jena (Germany), Charlottesville (USA), and Reading (UK). He completed his doctoral program in psychology, neuropsychology, and sport science at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t Munich and wrote his PhD thesis at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Neurosciences in 2004. After a postdoc position at the City Hospital in Munich-Bogenhausen and at the University of Bielefeld, he was called to the Saarland University and became a Professor for Sport Psychology in 2010. One year later, Matthias Weigelt moved to the University of Paderborn, where he is now the head of the Psychology and Movement Science Group. His well-funded research focuses similarly on basic and applied topics of human performance in daily activities, clinical settings, and sports. Matthias Weigelt served as editor of the German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research (2017-2022). He was Vice President for Research and International Affairs of the German Society of Sport Psychology (2019-2023) and is currently the spokesperson the Motor Control Section of the German Society of Sport Science (since 2022).