Office hours:

Ab 15. M?rz 2022 arbeitet Lena Weber im CEWS bei GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften in K?ln.

Further Information

Research projects

2020-2021 Employees perspective on digitalisation

project leadership: Dr. Lena Weber

project staff: Larissa Rieke, M.A.

2011 Excellence and Gender: A qualitiative research study about university profiles in Northrhine-Westfalia [??Exzellenz‘ und Geschlecht: Eine qualitative Untersuchung von Leitbildern an Universit?ten in Nordrhein-Westfalen?]

Prof. Birgit Riegraf und Dipl. Soz. Lena Weber,

funding: Landesministeriums für Innovation, Wissenschaft und Forschung Nordrhein-Westfalen 

2010 Analysis of New Governance in Academia from a Gender Perspective [?Eine Analyse neuer Governance Muster im Wissenschaftssystem unter einer Genderperspektive?]

Prof. Dr. Birgit Riegraf, Projektmitarbeit: Dipl. Soz Lena Weber,

funding: F?rderinitiative des BMBF: ?Neue Governance der Wissenschaft?

research interests

sociology of work and organisation, sociology of science and higher education, methods and methodology of qualitative research, gender studies,

Teaching / information for students

Please use my calendly tool to make an appointment, thank you!

selected presentations

  • 2017

Weber, Lena und Kristina Binner ?Excellence, Precarity and Gender Equality in the Entrepreneurial University?, 08-10 November, International 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网 "Doing Science – Doing Excellence – Doing Inequalities? Interrogating the Paradigm of Excellence in Academia", Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum.

Weber, Lena (zus. mit Brigitte Aulenbacher, Kristina Binner, Birgit Riegraf):?The Entrepreneurial University in the Welfare State from a Polanyian, Feminist and Neo-Institutionalist Perspective?, Januar, Tagung ?A Great Transformation? Global Perspectives on Contemporary Capitalisms, Johannes Kepler Universit?t, Linz (?sterreich).

  • 2016

Weber, Lena (zus. mit Birgit Riegraf): ?Multiple Modernities, Plural Gender Orders and Femen's Transnational Fight for Women's Rights?, September 2016, Tagung Multiple Modernities - Multiple Gender Cultures, Universit?t Augsburg.

  • 2014

Weber, Lena (zus. mit Brigitte Aulenbacher, Kristina Binner und Birgit Riegraf): ?Caring Universities? Entanglements and Blind Spots of Politics of Gender, Excellence and Care in Austrian and German Academia?, Juli, ISA-Conference, Yokohama (Japan).

  • 2013

Weber, Lena: ?Is there a ‘Panama' of Gender Equality Work? A Comparison of German and Swedish Universities?, August 2013, Conference on WORK-Continuities and Disruptions in Modern Life, Turku (Finnland).

Weber, Lena (zus. mit Kristina Binner): ?The new generation of academics – (neither) equal and work-life(un)balanced?? July 2013, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion Conference, Athens University of Business and Economics, Athens (Griechenland).

Weber, Lena (zus. mit Kristina Binner): ?How to combine academia and care? Gendered work arrangements of German and Austrian postdocs?, April 2013, Transnational Spaces and Gender, Internationale Konferenz, Universit?t Paderborn, Paderborn (Deutschland).

  • 2012

Weber, Lena (zus. mit Kristina Binner): ?From “Humboldt” to “Familiy Friendly”? Models of Academic Work and Gender in the Entrepreneurial Universities? April 2012, University in Transition, Helsinki (Finnland)

Weber, Lena (zus. mit Kristina Binner): ?Excellence, Gender Equality and Diversity – Models of Academic Work and Organisation? June 2011, Gender, Work and Organization Conference, Keele University (Staffordshire, United Kingdom)

Contribution to academic community

  • 2017

member of gender equality board and ethics of academic work committee