The World Philosophy Congress recently took place in Rome with the theme "Philosophy across Boundaries". The internationally recognised Elisabeth of Bohemia Prize??????? was awarded as part of the event. Prof Dr Marie Pauline Eboh and Prof Dr Concha Roldán Panadero are this year's prizewinners.
Economy & Business,
Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP),
Management Information Systems and Operations Research,
Energy System Technologies (EST)
In the "FlexLabQuartier" project, which is funded with 2.2 million euros, scientists from Paderborn University are working with six project partners to develop solutions for the climate-friendly operation of neighborhoods.
A total of six young people began their training at Paderborn University on Thursday, August 1st. They will be trained in four different areas for the next three or three and a half years in the university's laboratories and offices.
Paderborn University is expanding its teacher training programme to include technology as a new teaching subject from the winter semester 2024/25. Initially, Bachelor of Education programmes for teaching at Hauptschule, Realschule, Sekundarschule and Gesamtschule (HRSGe) as well as Gymnasium and Gesamtschule (GyGe) will start. Applications for the open-admission degree programmes are still possible until 21 September.
In order to prepare students in the best possible way for current and future challenges in the area of conflict between natural sciences and sustainability, Paderborn University has launched the new Master's degree programme ‘Sustainable Chemistry’.
The aim of the programme is to enable talented young female academics to pursue a successful career in research and teaching after completing their doctorate.
Opinions, interests and wishes are in demand: the Department of Information Systems, in particular Business Information Systems, at Paderborn University is conducting a survey to improve the visitor experience in the cultural sector. Participants have until August 31 to share their experiences here.
‘Philosophy across Boundaries’ is the theme of the international philosophy congress in Rome, which will be attended by around 5,000 representatives from all over the world from 1 to 8 August.