On 18 October at 8 pm, a video will be presented at the Pollux cinema in Paderborn that was created as part of an artistic seminar for fashion textile design students at Paderborn university.
The decision for a degree programme and a specific course of study is not made overnight. Study orientation is a process in which a number of things have to be considered and weighed up. Parents are important discussion partners and companions for their children: joint reflection on experiences, wishes and ideas is required.
Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers,
Medienp?dagogik und empirische Medienforschung,
Power Electronics and Electrical Drives
Paderborn University regularly recognises the top research of its academics. The Presidential Board has now awarded two young researchers a scholarship for their outstanding doctoral projects.
Press release,
Faculty of Arts and Humanities,
Zentrum für deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur (ZdG),
Institut für Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft
In the winter semester of 2023/24, the Institute of German and Comparative Literature and the Centre for Contemporary German Literature at Paderborn University invite all interested parties to a series of literary readings with discussions.
KIT and Paderborn University researchers present new system for activation and catalytic transfer of ammonia - catalysis based on main group elements A major goal in chemistry is to produce amines from ammonia and unsaturated hydrocarbons in a simple way. Moreover, during catalytic addition, in which ammonia is activated and then transferred, no waste is produced, making it particularly sustainable. Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of…
Press release,
PLAZ – Professional School of Education,
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics,
Faculty of Arts and Humanities,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Science,
Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
In the winter semester of 2023/24, Paderborn University once again invites all interested parties to attend various lecture series on socially relevant topics.
Since 2003, students at Paderborn University have made it their mission to give films excluded from commercial cinema a presence and recognition and thus keep film history alive.