Pader­born Uni­ver­sity strengthens in­ter­na­tion­al pro­file

 |  InternationalAwardsPress releaseInternational Relations Office

HRK-audit "Internationalisation of Universities" successfully completed

Paderborn University has successfully completed the renowned "Internationalisation of Universities" audit by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) and has now been awarded the corresponding seal. From December 2022 to November 2023, the project managers worked with a team of global experts to define the university's international profile and discuss specific proposals for further development. "We are delighted with the customised recommendations we received as part of the process, which we can now begin to implement. Over the next few years, we want to implement numerous measures in the areas of student mobility, internationalisation of curricula, international research and transfer. To this end, we will also make particular use of cooperation within the framework of the European University COLOURS," explains Prof. Dr Torsten Meier, Vice President for International Relations at Paderborn University, under whose leadership the audit was conducted.

As part of the audit, Paderborn University went through a total of three phases: In the first phase, the project group set up for the audit prepared the process and compiled a comprehensive self-report. The second phase included a three-day visit by international consultants who provided detailed recommendations. The audit process was concluded with a consolidation workshop.

"In an era characterised by globalisation, digitalisation and ever-increasing dynamism, the best ideas and solutions for global social challenges can only be found and implemented in cross-border interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations. This is why Paderborn University sees internationalisation as a cross-sectional task that affects research, studies, teaching, science and transfer in equal measure and offers a wide range of opportunities," says Dr Christine Marie Hante-Koch, coordinator of the audit process. "We would like to thank the HRK audit team, the project group and all areas involved in the process," summarises Meier.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): The project participants concluded the HRK-audit "Internationalisation of Universities" with a consolidation workshop at Paderborn University.


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Davina Stiller

Paderborn University

Assistant to the Vice-President for international relations (on parental leave)

Write email +49 5251 60-2328