Gastvor­trag ?Cloud Con­trol? von Prof. Louise Amoore, Durham Uni­ver­sity, am 23. Feb­ru­ar

Der Vortrag findet statt am 23. Februar, 18 Uhr, Jenny-Aloni-Haus, Universit?t Paderborn. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen.

?Cloud Control?, Public Lecture von Prof. Louise Amoore (Durham University), im Rahmen des 4. 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网 des DFG-Netzwerks Affect- and Psychotechnology Studies – Control: media technologies and the modulations of affect.

?The algorithmic architecture of cloud computing is becoming ever more closely intertwined with sovereign authority – from the sharing of intelligence data, to border controls, immigration decisions, and drone strikes. Developing an analogy with the aesthetics and affects of the cloud chamber of early twentieth century particle physics, I explore the geopolitical capacities of the cloud in cloud computing. How does the cloud render perceptible that which could never be visible on a register of human vision? Like the cloud chambers of twentieth century particle physics, contemporary cloud computing is concerned with rendering perceptible and actionable that which would otherwise be beyond the threshold of knowable futures. Through the computational logics of feedback loops and back propagation, the global present becomes governed and controlled by cloud reasoning on three distinct registers: condensing traces; discovering patterns; and archiving the future.?

Serjoscha Wiemer