SICP presents tech­no­lo­gic­al in­nov­a­tions for the en­ergy trans­ition at the Han­nov­er Messe

 |  DigitalizationSustainabilityIntelligent Technical SystemsSustainable Materials, Processes and ProductsArtificial IntelligenceFairsPress releaseSoftware Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP)

Paderborn University's Software Innovation Campus (SICP) will be represented at this year's Hannover Messe. From 31 March to 4 April, it will be presenting a total of eight research projects relating to intelligent and sustainable energy systems at the joint stand of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

"Our goal is to develop efficient solutions for the energy sector and energy-intensive industry," says Dr Gunnar Schomaker, Vice Managing Director at the SICP. To this end, the researchers rely on digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and digital twins to penetrate and optimise complex processes in the energy system.

Innovative projects

One example of the innovations is the "DC2HEAT2" project, which focuses on using the heat generated in data centres and making it available as an energy source. The main aim of the project is to simplify the use of waste heat from data centres with the help of AI. Another project is "climate bOWL". This is intended to help companies use an intelligent assistance system to analyse sources of greenhouse gas emissions in their own production and enable them to make savings based on this.

Interactive demonstration

The SICP is using an interactive demonstrator to vividly convey this and other research content to the public at the Hannover Messe. In a miniature model region of the city of Paderborn, the renewable energy plants, an electrolyser for the production of green hydrogen, hydrogen filling stations and the company Benteler as a future consumer of hydrogen are modelled.

Brightly coloured LEDs simulate the energy flows - green represents electricity, blue shows the flow of hydrogen, red the usable waste heat from production processes and orange the natural gas supply. Various scenarios can be modelled by turning a knob. The changing energy flows show how these affect the energy system. "With this playful and interactive presentation, we make our research tangible and promote understanding of a holistic energy transition," explains Dr Schomaker.

Hanover Fair

The SICP will be presenting its innovative energy solutions together with 17 exhibitors from industry and research at the joint stand of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Hall 7, Stand A28. The exhibitors also invite you to a network meeting at the joint stand on Monday, 31 March, from 6 pm.

Further information can be found on the joint stand page and the SICP website. The SICP also offers the opportunity to obtain a free ticket for the Hannover Messe.

This text was translated automatically.

Photo (Paderborn University, Johanna Pietsch): The demonstrator of the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP).


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Lara Nandi Dulige

Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP)

Customer-Relationship, Networking and Eventmanagement

Write email +49 5251 60-6573
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Dr. Gunnar Schomaker

Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP)

Vice Managing Director Software Innovation Lab, R&D Manager – Smart Systems

Write email +49 5251 60-6823