Stu­dents dom­in­ate mara­thon in Salzkot­ten, East West­phalia

 |  Press releaseHochschulsport

Top marks at the German University Championships

It doesn't always have to be big, bigger, biggest when it comes to higher, faster, further: while the German University Championships (DHM) Marathon and Half Marathon 2023 were still held in the Lower Saxony state capital of Hanover, the coveted titles were up for grabs on 2 June in Salzkotten, a town of 25,000 inhabitants. In perfect running weather - 15 degrees Celsius and overcast skies - there were many best times in East Westphalia. After all, the DHM was embedded in the Klingenthal Salzkotten Marathon. And in this context, the students set many a course record.

There were three students on the podium in the men's half marathon alone. First place went to Tim Wagner (IST University) with a time of 1:08:22 h. He was followed by Malik Farhat (TU Berlin) with 1:10:01 h ahead of Elias Kroll (TU Dortmund) with 1:12:34 h. Katharina Saathoff (IU International University) secured the title in the women's half marathon in 1:17:56 h. She also left all her rivals behind in the overall standings. Fabia Egle (UNI Tübingen) came second in the DHM classification and fourth overall in 1:29:30 h. She was followed by Klara Wierzcholski (UNI Augsburg) in 1:33:36 h. The student results in the marathon were also strong. Dominik M?ller (HS Hannover) became German university champion and second overall in 2:43:52 hrs. Morten Weber (UNI Bremen) was runner-up and fourth overall in 2:44:42 hours ahead of Timo Estenfelder (HS Bremerhaven) in 2:50:59 hours.

A similar picture emerged in the women's marathon. Mathilda Waidelich (h_da (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences)) became German university champion and second overall in 3:19:00 hours. Kira Vordermark (UNI Bonn) was runner-up in 3:31:56 and fourth overall. Elena Sniers (UNI Münster) took third place in the university rankings, finishing seventh overall in 3:42:09 hrs.

Dr Norbert Stein, Head of Athletics at the German University Sports Association (adh), and adh Road Running Officer Julia Grommisch were impressed by the high quality of the event. ‘We are grateful that we were able to get involved in an established running event,’ said Stein. ‘The excellent atmosphere on site and the proximity to the spectators certainly contributed to the fact that such good sporting performances were achieved.’ Julia Grommisch praised ‘the perfect cooperation with all those involved on site and, above all, the smooth organisation by the Paderborn University Sports team’. Dennis Kehne was particularly pleased with this praise. The Paderborn University sports employee had ensured in advance that the first-time cooperation with the Salzkotten Sports Promotion Association, which organises the Klingenthal Salzkotten Marathon every year, was on a solid footing. Lead organiser Sascha Wiczynski emphasised the ‘mutually enriching collaboration and the trusting cooperation, which made a significant contribution to the success of the cooperation’.

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Photo (Heiko Appelbaum): Many participants in the German University Championships (DHM) marathon and half marathon.


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Dennis Kehne


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