Lec­tures on the top­ic of me­dia and com­mu­nic­a­tion cri­tique

Location: Room E2.339

The Institute of Media Studies at Paderborn University invites all interested parties to attend two lectures on the topic of media and communication critique on Tuesday, 18 June, from 6 to 8 p.m. in room E2.339. The event, which will be held in English, will discuss how and why critical approaches to media and communication studies have throughout their history, been located mainly on the margins, both theoretically and geographically Enrolment is not necessary.

Dr Sa?o Sla?ek from the University of Ljubljana will talk about the prominence of Marxian concepts and authors in the mainstream of communication studies throughout its history, focusing on the scientific database Web of Science. Dr Igor Vobi?, also from the University of Ljubljana, will trace the historical trajectory of critical communication research at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana and its antecedents and offer insights into the reconfiguration of communication theories and empirical research contextualised within broader socio-political changes.

Further information can be found on the website of the Institute of Media Studies.

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