Pader­born Uni­ver­sity sci­ent­ist hon­oured by the Bel­gian roy­al fam­ily with a medal

 |  InternationalPeopleAwardsPress releaseFaculty of Arts and Humanities

Prof. Dr Sabine Schmitz, a researcher at the Institute of Romance Studies at Paderborn University, has been honoured with an order by the Belgian royal family. Schmitz was awarded the title ‘Officer of the Belgian Order of the Crown’ by Geert Muylle, the Belgian Ambassador to Germany, for establishing and expanding the Belgium Centre ‘BELZ’ and the digital platform ‘BelgienNet’. The Badge of Honour is awarded to people who have rendered outstanding services in the cultural, economic or artistic fields.

‘This is an unexpected, high honour that the kingdom only bestows on very few Germans. I am therefore particularly pleased about this recognition and feel very honoured,’ says Schmitz. The Romanist has been committed to researching and communicating Belgian culture for many years. In 2016, she founded the Belgium Centre, an interdisciplinary academic institution of the Faculty of Cultural Studies at Paderborn University. At the centre, academics research the cultural, historical, social and economic characteristics of Belgium and its communities and regions.

The medal was awarded to Schmitz at Paderborn Town Hall on the occasion of Belgium Day, which she organises every year. Under the motto ‘Belgium in the EU’, this year the BELZ focussed on the role of the Kingdom in the European Union. ‘The country is a founding member of the EU, is home to the EU Parliament, is the driving force behind many innovations and exemplifies how the comprehensive participation of regions and communities can succeed. On the occasion of the European elections in June, we wanted to discuss with our guests what young people can, should and may expect from the EU,’ said Schmitz.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Thorsten Hennig): Prof. Dr Sabine Schmitz, researcher at the Institute of Romance Studies at Paderborn University.
Photo (Paderborn University, Thorsten Hennig): Prof Dr Sabine Schmitz was awarded a medal of the Belgian royal family by Geert Muylle (right) at a reception hosted by Paderborn's mayor Michael Dreier (left).


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Prof. Dr. Sabine Schmitz

Belgienzentrum (BELZ)

1. Vorstandsvorsitzende