Di­git­al lec­ture series "Ways to a di­dactics of so­cial ped­agogy"

Location: Digital

Junior Professor Dr Nina G?ddertz, Didactics of Social Pedagogy at Paderborn University, together with Professor Dr Anke Karber from Leuphana University Lüneburg, is organising the digital lecture series "Wege zu einer Didaktik der Sozialp?dagogik" (Ways to a didactics of social pedagogy), which focuses on different approaches to a didactics of social pedagogy in relation to the educational, learning and qualification processes of future social pedagogical professionals. The individual lectures will take place on Tuesdays from 4 to 6 pm. On Tuesday, 9 July, Dr phil. Manuela Liebig from the Technical University of Dresden will be speaking on "How can the professional reference succeed? A proposal for vocational didactics in social pedagogy".

Further information and registration for the lectures can be found on the event page

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