Prof Dr Eva-Maria Seng ap­poin­ted mem­ber of the Board of Trust­ees of the Kul­turstif­tung der L?nder

 |  Press releaseFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesMaterielles und Immaterielles Kulturerbe

Chair at Paderborn University advises on the promotion and preservation of art and culture of national importance

At the suggestion of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Board of Trustees of the Kulturstiftung der L?nder appointed Prof Dr Eva-Maria Seng, holder of the Chair of Material and Intangible Cultural Heritage at Paderborn University, to its Board of Trustees in December 2023 for a period of four years. The Board of Trustees has the task of supporting the Foundation Board, currently chaired by the Minister President of the State of Hesse, in its work, particularly in determining funding priorities. All applications for funding in excess of 100,000 euros are discussed by the Board of Trustees and recommended for approval or rejection. On Wednesday, 24 April, the expert committee met for the first time in its new composition.  

The Kulturstiftung der L?nder (Cultural Foundation of the Federal States) promotes nationally significant art and culture on behalf of the German federal states. Culture refers to the entirety of material and immaterial forms of expression that bear witness to human creativity and have an identity-forming effect. The commitment extends to the areas of acquisition, preservation, documentation, presentation and communication of cultural assets. Seng has been working with tangible and intangible cultural heritage for more than three decades as part of her academic career. She has held the chair of the same name in Paderborn since 2006. Her interdisciplinary research covers topics such as architecture and urban planning, contemporary art, living traditions, documentary heritage, museums and exhibitions, cultural policy and digital humanities. As a member of the Board of Trustees, she contributes to achieving the statutory objectives of the Cultural Foundation. Her appointment means that the intangible cultural heritage side is now also more strongly represented in the body of experts.

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Photo (Paderborn University): Prof Dr Eva-Maria Seng has been appointed a member of the Board of Trustees of the Kulturstiftung der L?nder.
