"Sterne er­fül­len Wün­sche": Pader­born Uni­ver­sity So­ci­ety once again sup­ports the Youth Red Cross Christ­mas cam­paign

 |  Universit?t PaderbornPeopleNewsUniversity Library

Children's eyes light up at Christmas: On Friday, 1 December, the "Sterne erfüllen Wünsche" campaign was launched for the sixth time in cooperation with the Paderborn Youth Red Cross on the Paderborn University campus. The traditional Christmas tree in the foyer of the main entrance is once again decorated with colourful Christmas wishes from needy children from the Paderborn district. Students and employees of the university can ensure that these wishes, worth around 20 to 25 euros, are fulfilled. The Paderborn University Society supports and promotes the campaign.

Last year, 300 colourfully wrapped parcels were handed over to the Paderborn Youth Red Cross team. The additional monetary donations from university members and groups were also used to buy additional wishes that had not been fulfilled.

Taking part is very simple: choose a wish, buy a present and wrap it up. A Christmas wish can also be fulfilled by several people. The receipt for clothing should be placed in the parcel for a possible exchange. The star is then attached to the outside of the gift and handed in at the University Library at the local lending desk (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) or directly to the German Red Cross (DRK) at Neuh?user Str. 61-64 by 11 December.

There is also the opportunity to make a financial contribution. The Red Cross Youth employees use these donations to fulfil the wish stars that have not been picked.

The bank details are:

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz | Sparkasse Paderborn-Detmold | Stichwort: ?Sterne erfüllen Wünsche“ | IBAN: DE47 4765 0130 0001 0281 74

Photo (Paderborn University, Tanja Dittmann): "Sterne erfüllen Wünsche" again: Alexandra Dickhoff, Networking/Alumni Officer, acts as tree sponsor to ensure that the wishing stars hang on time on the Christmas tree in the foyer of Paderborn University. The Paderborn University Society supports the campaign on campus.


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Alexandra Dickhoff

Paderborn University

Referentin für Vernetzung/Alumni

Write email +49 5251 60-2074