"Ger­man Lit­er­at­ure of the Present": Well-known au­thors as guests at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

 |  ReadingPress releaseFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesZentrum für deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur (ZdG)Institut für Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft

In the winter semester of 2023/24, the Institute of German and Comparative Literature and the Centre for Contemporary German Literature at Paderborn University invite all interested parties to a series of literary readings with discussions. Over the past decades, this event format has already brought more than 200 renowned contemporary authors to Paderborn. This year's programme once again includes numerous well-known authors. The readings take place every Monday at 4.15 pm in Lecture Hall G at Paderborn University. Admission is free. The events are organised by Prof. Dr. Norbert Otto Eke and Prof. Dr. Stefan Elit. Further information and an overview of all dates can be found on the website of the reading series.

16 October: Andrea Maria Schenkel reads from "Der Erdspiegel"

To kick things off on 16 October, Andrea Maria Schenkel will read from her new novel "Der Erdspiegel". Schenkel, born in Regensburg in 1962, published her debut novel "Tann?d" in 2006 with great success, the plot of which is based on an unsolved murder case from 1922. The novel has been published in 20 languages to date and has been adapted for the theatre stages and cinema. Schenkel lives as a freelance author near Regensburg and in Westchester near New York. She teaches at Bronx Community College and at OTH Regensburg. Since her debut, she has published "Kalteis" (2007), "Bunker" (2009), "Wei?er Schnee, rotes Blut. M?rderisch gute Weihnachtsgeschichten" (2010), "Finsterau" (2012), "T?uscher" (2013), "Als die Liebe endlich war" (2016) and "Der Erdspiegel" (2023). For her texts, she has received, among others, the German Crime Novel Award twice, the Corine-Weltbild Readers' Prize, the Martin Beck Award for the best international crime novel and the Swedish Crime Novel Award.

23 October: Feridun Zaimoglu presents the novel "Bew?ltigung"

On 23 October, Feridun Zaimoglu will present his new novel "Bew?ltigung". Zaimoglu was born in 1964 in Bolu, Anatolia, and grew up in Germany as the child of a family of guest workers. He first studied human medicine in Bonn, then art in Kiel from 1985. In 1998 he became a founding member of the group "Kanak Attack". In 1999/2000 he received an engagement as a theatre poet at the Nationaltheater Mannheim, in 2004 a guest professorship at the Free University of Berlin, in 2007 the poetry lectureship at the University of Tübingen and in 2016 an honorary professorship from the state of Schleswig-Holstein. In the winter semester of 2020/2021, he held the 39th Paderborn Visiting Lectureship for Writers, followed by the Brothers Grimm Poetics Professorship at the University of Kassel. Zaimoglu lives in Kiel as a freelance writer, journalist, painter and visual artist. His publications to date include "Abschaum – Die wahre Geschichte von Ertan Ongun" (1997), "Liebesmale, scharlachrot" (2000), "Von der Kunst der geringen Abweichung" (2007), the plays "Othello" (2003), "Lulu live" (2005) and "Alpsegen" (2011), as well as the novels "Leyla" (2006), "Liebesbrand" (2008), "Isabel" (2014), "Evangelio. Ein Luther-Roman" (2017) and "Die Geschichte der Frau" (2020). In 2022, together with Norbert Otto Eke, he published "Durchdrungenheit. Texts and Conversations". Zaimoglu has already received numerous awards, such as the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize, the Grimmelshausen Prize, the Fiction Corine Prize, the Prize of the Literature Houses, the Berlin Literature Prize as well as nominations for the German Book Prize and the Prize of the Leipzig Book Fair.

30 October: Emanuel Mae? reads from novel "Alles in allem"

The programme continues on 30 October with Emanuel Mae? reading from his new novel "Alles in allem". Mae?, born in Jena in 1977 and raised in southern Thuringia, studied political science and literature in Heidelberg, Vienna and Oxford. He lives as a freelance writer in Berlin. His debut novel "Joints of Light", set in rural East Germany, became a bestseller. The debut work about a theologian's love for an artist was longlisted for the German Book Prize, awarded the Mara Cassens Prize and nominated for the Franz Tumler Literature Prize. Maess's second novel "Alles in allem" was published at the beginning of the year and, like his literary debut, is equally about love and spirituality.

The next readings will take place on 6, 13, 20 and 27 November.

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Prof. Dr. Stefan Elit

Institut für Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft


Write email +49 5251 60-2872