

Hol­ist­ic cir­cu­lar product de­vel­op­ment for in­tel­li­gent tech­nic­al sys­tems (ZirkuPro)

Duration: 01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Total project volume: 3 million euros
University project volume: 277,600 euros
Sponsored by: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Initial situation

The production of mechatronic products, such as semiconductors, is characterised by considerable energy consumption, the use of limited and sometimes critical raw materials and demanding manufacturing conditions. These aspects not only lead to environmental impacts, but also to resource scarcity and economic uncertainty. In view of global environmental and sustainability requirements, it is essential to find solutions that address these challenges and lead to more responsible manufacturing of such products.


The main objective of the 'ZirkuPro' project is to develop a comprehensive methodology for holistic circular product creation in the context of Intelligent Technical Systems. The circular economy approach is applied as a guiding principle. This means that waste is avoided by returning products to the economic cycle through reuse, repair or recycling. The special focus here is on electronics, which are an essential component in many of these technical systems. Due to its complexity, the use of different materials (including critical raw materials such as rare earths), often underestimated CO2 emissions and changing legal requirements, electronics production is a key field for innovation towards sustainability. 'ZirkuPro' aims to develop a systematic approach that considers the entire life cycle of products - from initial material sourcing through manufacturing to recycling or disposal. By succeeding in establishing circular product development in this field, the project will not only help to reduce environmental impacts, but also ensure the long-term availability of resources and increase the sustainability of mechatronic product manufacturing.

Project partners: contech, Fraunhofer IEM, Fraunhofer IZM, Diebold Nixdorf, Miele, Wago

Pro­ject man­age­ment