

Cryp­to­graphy-based se­cur­ity solu­tions as the basis for trust in cur­rent and fu­ture IT sys­tems (sub-pro­ject E1 in the SF­B1119 CROSS­ING)

Duration: 2018 - 2026
Total project volume (sub-project E1): 516,200 euros
University project volume: 302,500 euros
Sponsored by: DFG

Security is a central aspect in software systems and thus also particularly for "Intelligent Technical Systems". Digital attacks are becoming increasingly powerful, especially with future quantum computers. Cryptography is essential for the development of secure and trustworthy IT systems. Therefore, cryptography-based security solutions for long-term trusted computing environments are being researched in the CRC 1119 CROSSING at TU Darmstadt.

Subproject E1 is led by the groups of Prof Eric Bodden at Paderborn University and Prof Mira Mezini at TU Darmstadt. Sub-project E1 focusses on the secure integration of cryptographic software. The crypto assistant tool CogniCrypt developed in the sub-project already enables the generation of secure code for common cryptographic tasks and the static analysis of the correct implementation of crypto APIs such as the Java Cryptographic Architecture, Bouncy Castle and Tink.

Based on CogniCrypt, automated procedures for the use of cryptography will be implemented to support the secure use of cryptography.

Spokesperson of the SFB1119: Prof Marc Fischlin, TU Darmstadt

Pro­ject man­age­ment