

Al­gorithmic found­a­tions for cir­cuit-based pro­gram­mable mat­ter (CIR­PROM)

Duration: 2024-2027
Total sponsorship volume (university): 350,140 euros
Funded by: German Research Foundation

In 2014, we proposed the Amoebot model for rigorous algorithmic research in the field of programmable matter. Since then, this model has become increasingly influential, but its major drawback, as with many other models, is that it allows only slow shape changes.

Recently, we have therefore introduced a circuit extension for the Amoebot model, which allows to solve various fundamental problems such as leader election or compass adaptation much faster than in the original model. Based on this extension, we want to find highly scalable distributed algorithms for shape transformations, for finding errors in shapes and for the best possible matching of a given shape with a target shape. Such highly scalable algorithms are essential to make our research results sufficiently attractive for technical implementation.

Pro­ject man­age­ment