Sus­tain­ab­il­ity lec­ture starts: "Mr­Wis­sen2go" Mirko Drotschmann gives lec­ture at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Location: Audimax

The "UPB for Future" lecture series at Paderborn University will enter its next round in the 2025 summer semester. Vlogger, journalist and presenter Mirko Drotschmann ("MrWissen2go") will kick off the lecture series in the Audimax on Thursday, 10 April. In his lecture "Tutoring on the couch: Why education on YouTube and co. is booming", he will shed light on the growing importance of video platforms as a source of knowledge and give participants a look behind the scenes of digital education programmes. It is not necessary to register for the event, but seating in the Audimax is limited.

Drotschmann communicates current political, social and historical topics on his YouTube channel "MrWissen2go" (2.29 million subscribers), reaching a young target group in particular. He demonstrates how knowledge transfer can be made exciting and clear in the digital age – and inspires a large audience in front of their screens week after week. As a member of the "Landesrat für digitale Entwicklung und Kultur", Drotschmann also advises the Rhineland-Palatinate state government on the future of media-based knowledge transfer and new educational approaches in the 21st century.

About the lecture series "UPB for Future"

During the summer semester, students and interested members of the public are invited to attend the lecture series "UPB for Future" on Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m. in lecture hall L1 at Paderborn University to learn more about sustainability as one of the most pressing issues of our time. Further information can be found on the lecture series website.

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A man with dark hair and a short dark beard stands in front of a window with his arms crossed and smiles.
Photo (ZDF/Dennis Weissmantel): Mirko Drotschmann ("MrWissen2go") opens the sustainability lecture "UPB for Future" at Paderborn University.
