Ger­man Lan­guage Courses for In­ter­na­tion­al Em­ploy­ees Start­ing in Oc­to­ber 2024

The German language courses for international employees are starting again in October 2024. Five courses for different language levels will be offered:


German Language Course A1.1 from 14 October 2024 until 07 February 2025 

German Language Course A2.1 from 21 October 2024 until 14 February 2025

German Language Course A2.2 from 21 October 2024 until 14 February 2025

German Language Course B1 from 22 October 2024 until 14 February 2025

German Language Course B2 from 21 October 2024 until 14 February 2025

Those of you who would like to participate, can find further information here. Please note that registrations are required.