
Here you will find current, selected news from the area of research at the University of Paderborn. Further releases can be found in the press archive.


Photo (Paderborn University, Thomas Zentgraf): Jinlong Lu taking measurements in the optics lab.

Scientists from Paderborn University publish findings in “Science Advances”

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Eine schwere Erkrankung oder Verletzung führt im Durchschnitt zu ?hnlichen geistigen Einbu-?en wie eine Alterung um vier Jahre. Zu diesen Ergebnissen kommen Prof. Dr. Hendrik Schmitz vom Department Economics der Universit?t Paderborn und sein wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Valentin Schiele in ihrer aktuellen Studie in Kooperation mit dem RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung. Dazu wurden Befragungen und Kognitionstests von rund 125.000…

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Foto (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Researchers improve the ecological balance sheet for the production of green hydrogen.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) and its French partner organisation, the French national research agency (ANR), are funding a new project led by Paderborn chemist Professor Matthias Bauer for a period of three years.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): The German Research Foundation has announced a further renewal of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC)/Transregio 142, “Tailor-made nonlinear photonics: From fundamental concepts to functional structures” at Paderborn University.

Collaborative Research Center of Paderborn University and TU Dortmund is once again renewed

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Foto (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi)

A communication network based on the laws of quantum physics offers guaranteed protection by ensuring complete security against eavesdropping. That is the aim of the joint research project known as “Quantenrepeater.Link” (Quantum Repeater.Link, or QR.X). The project will receive three years of support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), totalling around EUR 35 million.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Thanks to the research results of the Paderborn scientists, smartphones with inexpensive camera sensors could also be equipped with the function of taking three-dimensional photos in the future.
Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): An international team of researchers from Germany, China, Israel and Vietnam has deciphered the attosecond collision dynamics of electrons with neighbouring atoms in solids, making them the first to identify the structure and dynamics of certain information encoded within the band structure.

Mitigating climate change while simultaneously improving economic performance – this is currently one of the biggest challenges many companies are facing. Lightweight construction is considered a key technology for achieving this goal, in particular in the mobility sector.

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Symbolic image (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi).

Data analysis made easy: The aim of an intelligent chatbot, developed within the scope of a research project at Paderborn University, is to allow users to evaluate large data volumes quickly and easily.

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Cameras, radar, lidar, ultrasound – modern cars have an increasing number of sensors. They assist with parking, monitor blind spots, and help you keep your distance from the car in front. In autonomous vehicles, these sensors must go beyond just providing convenient assistance, and also reliably capture the entire environment. However, differing weather conditions pose huge challenges for the technology. For example, strong background light,…

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