
Here you will find current, selected news from the area of research at the University of Paderborn. Further releases can be found in the press archive.


German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding two AI junior research groups at Paderborn University

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Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awards Georg Forster Research Fellowship to Colombian researcher at Paderborn University

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[Translate to English:] Symbolbild (Universit?t Paderborn): Auch in der Chemie kommen Quantencomputer zum Einsatz. Da helfen sie zum Beispiel, die Struktur von Molekülen zu analysieren.

Quantum com­puters in ac­tion in chem­istry

Researchers at Paderborn University develop new method for calculating molecular states

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Illustration photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Researchers from the ‘Integrated Quantum Optics’ working group entangle photons, the smallest possible light particles.

Mile­stones achieved on the path to use­ful quantum tech­no­lo­gies

Researchers at Paderborn and Ulm universities are developing the first programmable optical quantum memory

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Foto (Heinz Nixdorf Institut): Messaufbau: In eine Silizium-Photonik-Technologie integrierte, hochpr?zise, optisch getaktete Schaltung.

Daten zu übertragen und miteinander zu vernetzen sind zentrale Prozesse in Zeiten des digitalen Wandels. Dabei lassen immer gr??er werdende Datenmengen die Anforderungen an Sender- und Empfangsger?te steigen.

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New BMBF research project on STEM education in primary schools at Paderborn University

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Manufacturing vehicles in a more efficient, environmentally friendly way is the goal of a new research project being headed up by the chair of Automotive Lightweight Design (LiA) at Paderborn University.

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Foto (WWU Münster, M?ning): Ultrahochvakuum-System am Center for Nanotechnology (CeNTech) mit einem Tieftemperatur-Rasterkraftmikroskop, das bei fünf Kelvin betrieben wird und mit einem Aufbau für Photoelektronenspektroskopie verbunden ist.

Neues Verfahren korreliert atomare Mikroskopie mit der Funktion von Einzelatomkatalysatoren

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Scientists have observed a new effect of light-matter interaction for the first time.

New effect of light-matter interaction observed: Physicists from Paderborn University publish findings in ‘Nature Communications’

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[Translate to English:] Symbolbild (Universit?t Paderborn, Matthias Groppe).

Digitalisation opens up a wide range of opportunities for manufacturing companies to improve their processes and products, with ever-increasing volumes of operating data from technical systems offering particularly high potential.

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