

Ap­plic­a­tion for ad­mis­sion & dead­lines for in­ter­na­tion­al ap­plic­ants

Self-check of entry requirements
The database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) allows the students to check, whether their academic background allows them to enter a degree program in Germany. Please note that additionally also the individual entry requirements of the particular study course have to be met.
Information regarding certain language and academic prerequisites for applicants who didn't acquire their university entrance qualification from a German school are provided on the webpage of the International Office.

Application roadmap

1. Select a study course. Our study offer and the entry requirements can be found here!

2. Do you need to apply via uni-assist or directly at the university? Check your applicant group!

3. Prepare your documents for the application for admission.

4. Apply within the respective deadlines.

Important: Please make sure to apply for your studies at Paderborn University correctly! Otherwise, your application may not be taken into consideration. 

We wish you all the best for your application!