

In­ter­na­tion­al Of­fice

International students at Paderborn University, stays abroad and exchange programmes with foreign universities, international cooperations

You are interested in studying for a Bachelor or Master degree in Paderborn and graduating from Paderborn University.

You would like to fulfil the language requirements for studying in Germany or you would like to learn German language to improve your studies.

You are studying at Paderborn University? Find out about the activities on offer for international students.

You study at a partner university and want to spend one or two semesters at Paderborn University. You are coming to Paderborn as part of an exchange programme.

You are a student at Paderborn University and want to study abroad for one or two semesters (Information mostly in German only).

You want to do an internship in another country, study abroad as a Freemover or participate in a summer school.

You are studying/doing research at a university abroad and are interested in a doctorate, a research stay, an internship or a stay as a free mover at Paderborn University.

You would like to invite guest researchers, initiate international cooperation or go abroad yourself for some time.

?ber Internationale Alumni-Arbeit und Aktivit?ten informiert die Stabsstelle International Relations.

Central coordinating unit for international affairs, strategic development and central international projects is the International Relations Office.