Hu­man re­source plan­ning, re­cruit­ment and se­lec­tion

Human resources development in Dep. 4.5 supports in personnel planning on request. The focus here is on the qualifications of employees. During the consultation process, the current and future tasks in the field are first identified. The skills and competences employees will need in the future can then be derived from this. On this basis, a decision can then be made as to which further training programmes make sense for existing staff and which qualifications new employees should have.

Department 4.4 is responsible for all questions relating to the job plan and job plan management.

On request, Human Resources Development advises organisational units that are recruiting new staff. We offer assistance in developing requirement profiles and, based on this, in designing selection processes that are appropriate for the position. If required, we also take part in job interviews.

We have summarised the most important steps and formal requirements of personnel selection in both the scientific and non-scientific fields in the personnel selection information sheet. The personnel selection guide contains detailed information, tips and materials relating to your selection process.

Administrative support for the recruitment of employees is provided by Dep. 4.2 and 4.3. For the academic field, Dep. 4.2 provides sample job advertisements, information sheets and procedural instructions for the recruitment of academic employees and research assistants as well as materials for appointment matters. Dep. 4.2 can also provide information on legal and administrative issues relating to visiting academics. Dep.4.3 offers administrative support in the preparation and implementation of recruitment procedures in the non-scientific field as well as in the employment of SHKs and WHBs.

Download material

Personnel selection guide:

Personnel selection info sheet: Overview of procedural steps (German only)
Requirements profile template (German only)
Sample job advertisements