4.5 Staff De­vel­op­ment and Leg­al Ad­vice

Division Head: Stefanie Jürgenhake - B1.317, 60-2543
Deputy: Jan Hendrik Ehrich - B1.320, 60-2810

Stefanie Jürgenhake - B1.317, 60-2543

  • General affairs concerning the division
  • Fundamental issues regarding employee law/rights


Staff Development

Dr. Johanna Braukmann - B1.325, 60-3587
Dr. Caroline Wozny - B1.325, 60-3588

  • Strategic Staff Development
  • Pooling and systematisation of staff development offers at Paderborn University
  • Central advice point for staff development for academic, technical and administrative staff
  • Evaluation and systematic enhancement of staff development tools

Lea D?ren - B1.320, 60 - 2529

  • continuing education and training

Dr. Johanna Flore - B1.325 - 4624

→ to staff development webpage
→ general email address: personalentwicklung@zv.uni-paderborn.de
→ general email address HR Development: personalentwicklung@zv.uni-paderborn.de
→ general email address Audit HRS4R: HRS4R@zv.uni-paderborn.de


Legal Advisor

Jan Hendrik Ehrich - B1.320, 60-2810
Eva-Maria Schulte - B1.216, 60-3565
Christine Pung - B1.317, 60-2118

  • General Civil Law (e.g. sales law, tenancy law, licensing law, loan agreements)
  • Copyright Law
  • Fundamental Higher Education Law issues (excluding changes, adaptations and interpretations of the University Constitution)
  • Access Rights and Regulatory Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Insurance Law (e.g. Accident insurance)
  • Public Procurement Law
  • General Administrative Law (e.g. Issues regarding conflict of interests)

Data Protection Management

Sascha K?uper - B1-323, 60-2005

→ Note: Please send confidential requests as well as initial inquiries about data protection to the data protection address!
→ to the website Data Protection at the University of Paderborn


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