Course de­scrip­tion

No. 904.03

Academic Writing in English I (B2/C1)


The course is fully booked. If you are still interested, please register using the form below and we will be happy to put you on the waiting list.
Thursdays, 09:15 - 10:45 (from 10.10.2024 to 30.01.2025) 


In-person course

(Note: The course will take place in the HNI; if you need to participate virtually via Zoom, please contact the course trainer)

Target group

All employees with at least a B2 level of English who would like to be more confident and proficient in academic writing in English.


Do you sometimes struggle to write academic texts in English that are easy to read and sound authentic? Would you like to become more proficient at communicating clearly and concisely?

This course offers practical tips, tricks, and tools to ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and easily assimilated. Practical exercises and short writing tasks will help you apply the rules and theory covered during the sessions. Additionally, you will receive individualised coaching on your writing in one session from the course instructor, a native English speaker. The course content will be tailored to the participants’ feedback during the course and may include the following topics:

  • common grammatical errors;

  • tense and aspect;

  • correct use of punctuation;

  • analysis of the language and structure of journal articles/conference papers;

  • useful phrases (word chunks) and vocabulary for academic writing;

  • tips for improving your writing style.

Number of participants

max. 12 people


Dr. Pamela Heidi Douglas

Trainer?s background

Pamela Heidi Douglas is a lecturer at Paderborn University and a native English speaker. Originally from Canada, she has studied and taught English in countries across Europe, North America, and Africa. After completing her Ph.D. at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Heidi began teaching English courses at Paderborn University in 2018. She also has worked as a proofreader and editor of academic manuscripts and texts for over ten years


The seminar is designed as a face-to-face seminar. You will be informed of the room with the invitation.

To find out your language level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), you can take the following online tests: British Council Placement Test or Cambridge General English Test.

Registration deadline


On the registration deadline, we will decide whether an event can take place based on the number of registrations. Therefore, please register promptly if you are interested. The more registrations we receive, the more certain we can hold the event. Late registrations will be accepted if there are still places available.


Desired Cours(e)
personal details
Approval of superior

Declaration of consent *