

Over­view of con­tinu­ing edu­ca­tion op­por­tun­it­ies from oth­er Pader­born Uni­ver­sity units and fa­cil­it­ies

At Paderborn University, you’ll find a broad range of continuing education and training measures for specialised professional qualifications, as well as for the development of interdisciplinary, career-oriented and career-advancing skills.

Learn more about the numerous courses offered by the central units, facilities and faculties here:

Unit/facility/faculty Course/topics Target groups
Staff Development/Internal Continuing Education (Division 4.5) Seminars on topics such as communication, working methods, administration, information technologies, leadership and health All
Centre for Language Studies Specific language courses for employees, in particular English/Spanish All
University Library Training courses on information literacy All
International Office (Dez. 2.1) ERASMUS+ Staff Training (STT) All
Higher Education Development Office (HEDO) “University didactics” qualification and training programmes, e.g. University Didactics Certificate Programme, peer observation of teaching and advice Teaching staff
The Writing Centre Writing workshops and advice, e.g. writing workshops, “Teaching Writing” training course and “Writing Tutor” programme Teaching staff/PhD students and post-docs
Equal Opportunities Office Qualification and training opportunities for female early-career researchers and junior academics, e.g. “Women in Academic Careers” programme, mentoring programme for female PhD students, peer mentoring for female students, coaching for PhD students and post-docs and teams of experts in the post-doc phase Academic staff
Faculty of Arts and Humanities (DaZ/DaF) German language courses for international staff International staff
TecUp Support for starting a business, start-up funding, technology transfer and innovation Anyone interested in starting a business

Please note: Please also refer to our overview of further contact points and advisory services for employees. Early-career researchers and junior academics can find additional information on the website of the Jenny Aloni Center.


Contact Education and Training

Division 4.5 HR Development (Team)
Lea D?ren: Tel. 2529 (course program)
Dr. Caroline Wozny: Tel. 3588 (services for technical/ administrative staff)
Dr. Johanna Braukmann: Tel. 3587 (services for academic staff/ professors)