

Of­fi­cials of the cent­ral ad­min­is­tra­tion and the uni­ver­sity lib­rary

... are civil servants of the University of Paderborn who support scientific research and teaching administratively and organizationally in the administrative and library areas, which are characterized by sovereign tasks. In addition, they are entrusted with management and leadership tasks in certain areas.

The Human Resources Department - Subject Area 4.2 is in charge of the personnel matters of the above-mentioned civil servants from their appointment to the termination of their civil servant relationship at the University of Paderborn.

On these pages you will find information on the relevant personnel topics. The following information sheet will give you a first overview.

Leaflet for civil servants at the University of Paderborn

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by mail, phone or in person.