
Leading large-scale 3D printer manufacturer BigRep today announced a partnership with the Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC), one of the world's foremost industrial research networks. BigRep will join the consortium as the only FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) machine manufacturer in the distinguished network of 29 companies representing the complete additive manufacturing (AM) value chain. This includes material and machine…

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AMendate, a young company based in Paderborn, has developed an innovative software that makes it possible to create optimal parts for 3D printing almost fully automatically. With their idea, the team qualified for the renowned Rapid.Tech Start-up Award in June against a competition of over 30 teams and won second place.

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Am 24. Juni ?ffnete die Universit?t ihre Türen, um allen Interessierten Einblicke in die Welt der Studienm?glichkeiten, der Forschung und besonderer Profil-Schwerpunkte der Hochschule zu bieten. Im H?rsaal G bot sich den Besuchern ein umfangreiches Angebot an Austellungsfl?chen der Fakult?t für Maschinenbau. Am zentralen Fakult?tsstand und zahlreichen Institutsst?nden gab es reichlich Gelegenheiten, sich zu informieren und verschiedenste…

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Das ILH pr?sentiert sich am 29. und 30. Mai 2018 mit zwei Vortr?gen und einem Messestand im Rahmen der diesj?hrigen Veranstaltung "Faszination Hybrider Leichtbau" auf dem MobileLifeCampus in Wolfsburg. Alan A. Camberg (LiA) berichtet zu "Tailored Stacked Hybrids – An Optimisation- Based Approach in Material Design for Further Improvement in Lightweight Car Body Structures". Simon P?hler (LiA) pr?ssentiert "Conceptual Design of a Hybrid…

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Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungs-Reihe "Zirkul?re Wertsch?pfung OWL“ zeigt das Fortschrittskolleg, wie der Leichtbau mit Hybridsystemen zu einer ressourceneffizienten Verwendung von Rohstoffen beitragen kann.  Die Veranstaltung findet als Kooperation des VDI und der IHK am 29. Mai ab 15 Uhr an der Universit?t Paderborn statt. Zur Anmeldung gelangen 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网 unter…

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Die TeilnehmerInnen der Fortschrittskollegs Verbund.NRW und Leicht Effizient - Mobil (Foto: Fortschrittskolleg Verbund.NRW)

Am 01.03.2018 trafen sich die beiden Fortschrittskollegs zu einer gemeinsamen kollegübergreifenden Veranstaltung bei der SASE – Sammlung aus St?dtereinigung und Entsorgung in Iserlohn. Das NRW Fortschrittskolleg "Leicht - Effizient - Mobil" adressiert wichtige gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen, wie die der Ressourceneffizienz, einer umweltfreundlichen Mobilit?t oder dem Klimaschutz. Ein Schlüssel zur L?sung dieser Herausforderungen liegt in der…

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On 5th and 6th of March 2018 the 2nd Additive Manufacturing Forum took place at the Estrel Congress & Messe Center in Berlin. About 550 conference participants from aerospace, automotive, railways, mechanical engineering, medical technology and science sectors once again were given the opportunity for intensive networking.

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Since March 2018, the DMRC has been a member of the platform "Industry 4.0" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Economics and Energy. The overall goal of the Industry 4.0 platform is to secure and expand Germany's leading international position in the manufacturing industry.

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The Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC) is involved in the training of engineers in the field of additive manufacturing. The "Additive Manufacturing Specialist VDI" is a practice-oriented qualification developed by the German Association of Engineers (VDI) together with experts from the additive manufacturing industry.

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The DMRC has been a registered test environment in the I4KMU program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research since 28 February 2018. In this programme, selected research institutions with their technical infrastructure and know-how support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing innovative solutions in the context of industry 4.0.

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On February 14th and 15th, the first face-to-face meeting of the DMRC industrial partners in 2018 took place in Paderborn. The first day included the “Technical Meeting”, where the final results of the 2017 DMRC projects were presented.

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Bild eines Buchcovers

Der hybride Leichtbau er?ffnet L?sungsans?tze zur Bew?ltigung wichtiger gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen, wie die der Ressourceneffizienz, einer umweltfreundlichen Mobilit?t, dem Klimaschutz und auch anderen Aspekten in weiteren Bereichen wie z. B. der Medizintechnik. Die KollegiatInnen des Kollegs zeigen in den Beitr?gen des Sammelbands die Zusammenh?nge zwischen der Forschung auf diesem Gebiet und den "gro?en gesellschaftlichen…

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The DMRC expands its machine park in the field of FDM with an AM machine from the German-based company GEWO Feinmechanik GmbH. The system named “Gewo3D HTP 260” is currently the only machine according to the FDM-principle, which has an open machine control and at the same time an actively heated build chamber with temperatures up to 260°C.

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The DMRC is looking forward to welcome a new partner to the industrial consortium: assonic Dorstener 365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网btechnik GmbH. The company and its products are known by the name ?assonic“. It was established in 2010 and has developed several innovative processes for sifting and sizing fine and difficult to screen powders.

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Der Vortrag von Heike Kahlert findet am 24. Januar 2018 im Raum W0.209 und nicht im L-Geb?ude statt, wie die übrigen Ringvorlesungen zum Thema  ?Grenzüberschreitungen – Inter- und Transdisziplinarit?t im Kontext von Nachhaltigkeit und Transformation“. Der Titel des Vortrags lautet: "Geschlechtergerechtigkeit als Motor für Transformationen im Wissenschaftssystem" "Die global im Zuge des Erstarkens des Neoliberalismus und der damit verbundenen…

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Tr?ster

Key research area Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products

Chairman of the Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems (ILH)

Write email +49 5251 60-5331
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Schmid

Key research area Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products

Chairman of the Paderborn Institute for Additive Fabrication (PIAF)

Write email +49 5251 60-2404
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eugeny Kenig

Key research area Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products

Chairman Competence Center for Sustainable Energy Technology (KET)

Write email +49 5251 60-2164

General information on the disciplines involved can be found on the corresponding websites:

Mechanical Engineering   Chemistry    Physics


Large-scale absorption-desorption plant at FVT

Outdoor PV laboratory at EET

Power Electronics Lab with emphasis on Wide-Bandgap applications at LEA

Being part of a network offers many advantages and opens up new perspectives. Technology transfer and industrial cooperation have a high priority at the University of Paderborn. In the ILH and the PIAF, there are long-standing contacts to companies of different sizes, regionally and nationwide.

ILH partners from research and industry

DMRC industry partners

KET industry partners