FAQ Equal­ity

Frequently asked questions that arise in connection with equality:

1 What are the tasks of the Equal Opportunities Officer?

The Equal Opportunities Officer supports the university in implementing equal opportunities for women and men, working in particular to promote equal opportunities for women and to reduce existing structural disadvantages for women in all status groups. It advises the university management and university committees on all equality-relevant topics and is involved in structural and personnel decisions as well as the implementation, further development and evaluation of plans for the advancement of women.

Its tasks are in particular

  • Drawing up equality concepts and equality plans
  • Participation in gender controlling
  • Participation in the creation of plans for the advancement of women
  • Participation in recruitment and appointment procedures and other personnel measures such as promotion, upgrading etc. as well as in all social and organisational measures that affect the interests of women at the university
  • Participation in intra-university and supra-regional committees
  • Development of measures for gender equality
  • Conception and realisation of educational and further training measures for women
  • Realisation of projects in the field of gender mainstreaming
  • Counselling staff and students
  • Co-operation with women's groups, institutions etc. within and outside the university

2 For whom is she the contact person?

The Equal Opportunities Officer is the contact person for all students and employees in matters of gender equality. This concerns both the equality of women and men as well as possible disadvantages resulting from the compatibility of family and career. She is also the contact person for issues relating to sexual discrimination and bullying.

3 Will other people be informed if I contact the Equal Opportunities Officer?

No, according to Section 16 (4) of the Act on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Equal Opportunities Officer is obliged to maintain confidentiality in all matters relating to the personal circumstances of employees and confidential matters.

4 Who elects the Equal Opportunities Officer?

The University's Equal Opportunities Officer and her deputy are elected by the Senate for a term of office of 4 years at the suggestion of the Equal Opportunities Commission.

5 Can a man be elected as Equal Opportunities Officer?

No. Only women can be elected as Equal Opportunities Officers, who in particular endeavour to promote equal opportunities for women and to reduce existing structural disadvantages for women at all status levels (Section 15 (2) of the Law on Equality between Women and Men for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia). https://recht.nrw.de/lmi/owa/br_bes_detail?sg=0&menu=0&bes_id=4847&anw_nr=2&aufgehoben=N&det_id=553311

6 Are men discriminated against by the work of the equal opportunities officer?

Even though gender equality policies and the advancement of women are often criticised for discriminating against men, this is not the case. Statistics show that the opportunities for men to rise to positions of power in society are still significantly greater than those of women. Rather, it is about reducing discrimination against women and achieving equal rights for men and women. However, the resulting inevitable redistribution of resources, which have long been distributed in favour of men and in some cases still are, is repeatedly experienced as a disadvantage, especially by the latter.

7 Why are some training programmes and events only offered for women?

This is due to the fact that women are still indirectly and structurally disadvantaged in certain areas of society and in particular in their opportunities for professional success - for example in access to management positions. Accordingly, corresponding programmes directly address the obstacles that predominantly women face and strive to compensate for them. However, there are also a large number of comparable programmes in which men can also participate.


Teaching and Studying

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Gender Research

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Gender Equality at UPB

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Gender Research/Gender Studies at UPB

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Offers and Funding Opportunities

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Gender Glossary

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Dr. Annika Hegemann


Room E2.103
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 55
33098 Paderborn

Dr. Claudia Mahs

Zentrum für Geschlechterstudien / Gender Studies

Room H5.206
Paderborn University
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33098 Paderborn

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