Gender Stud­ies at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity as an in­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary sci­ence

Welcome to the website "Gender Studies at Paderborn University as an interdisciplinary science". Gender studies does not stand alone, but combines disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches, thus creating a broad field of research. Researchers and teaching staff work together on socially relevant issues using different perspectives, methods and analyses from various academic fields, creating fruitful synergies in the process. The perspectives are drawn from the cultural sciences and humanities as well as from the natural sciences, technology and engineering.

In the "Centre for Gender Studies", Paderborn University's diverse research finds a common place for exchange. The Centre, which is part of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and is located in the Institute of Education Studies, serves to build networks and organises a variety of event formats on the topic of gender. In order to emphasise the implementation and academic consideration of gender as a category of analysis in teaching and research, Paderborn University has a total of four "network professorships" of the NRW Women's and Gender Studies Network. In addition, a large number of lecturers and researchers who are associated members of this network work together.

On this page you will find the various faculties and subject areas in which gender research is based at Paderborn University. The subpages are hyperlinked and summarise introductory information on the respective discipline with regard to gender studies. A short introduction presents the projects and research work, as well as the researchers themselves. There is also an overview of the teaching staff in the various subject areas. You can find out about their current projects, research interests and publications. Centres, institutions and projects related to gender studies as well as the university's degree programmes are also presented separately.

Gender Stud­ies in Dif­fer­ent Fac­ulties and Sub­ject Areas

Gender Stud­ies in Mu­si­co­logy

In the subject area of musicology, the Chair of Musicology with a focus on gender research (Prof. Dr. Rebecca Grotjahn) deals with gender studies, which the denomination already reveals and confirms its exposed status.

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Gender Stud­ies in Edu­ca­tion Stud­ies

The "Centre for Gender Studies" is part of the Education Studies department. Prof. Dr. Antje Langer, who holds the Chair of School Pedagogy with a focus on gender studies, is also the academic director of the centre, while Dr. Claudia Mahs is the centre's managing director.

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Gender Stud­ies in Psy­cho­logy

In the subject area of psychology, the Network Professorship of Educational Psychology and Developmental Psychology is working on the category of gender, which is incorporated into all research projects, taking gender research by Prof. Dr Heike M. Buhl into account.

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Gender Stud­ies in Ger­man Stud­ies and Com­par­at­ive Lit­er­at­ure

The various fields of the Institute of German and Comparative Literature are firmly linked to gender studies, e.g. in the subject area of Comparative Literature: here, the advanced module "Interculturality, Intermediality and Gender Studies" can be taken on the Master's degree programme in Comparative Literature.

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Gender Stud­ies in Philo­sophy

Gender research plays an important role in the subject area of philosophy at Paderborn University. It is firmly anchored in two projects at the Chair of Practical Philosophy under the direction of Prof. Dr Ruth Hagengruber.

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Gender Stud­ies in Me­dia Stud­ies

At the Institute of Media Studies, gender research takes place in many contexts: The advancing mechanisation and categorisation of individuals through algorithms, which can have a discriminatory effect based on collected and biased information, is being investigated by Prof. Dr. Tobias Matzner, Chair of Cultures of the Digit.

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Gender Stud­ies in Theo­logy

The theological and religious studies researchers, who can be divided into the Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Islamic fields, conduct research on the topic of gender and take gender theory perspectives into account.

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Gender Stud­ies in Eng­lish and Amer­ic­an Stud­ies

At the Institute of English and American Studies, Prof. Dr Merle T?nnies heads the project "Interactions between Gender and Genre Constructions". This deals with gender representations in various genres of British drama.

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Gender Stud­ies in So­ci­ology

Gender studies is a central perspective of general sociology at Paderborn University. Seminars and lectures in the field of gender sociology are regularly offered in both the Bachelor's and Master's programmes (PAUL course catalogue).

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Gender Stud­ies in the Sub­ject Area of Tex­tiles

The subject area of textiles also deals with the topic of "gender" and corresponding issues. At Paderborn University, this is particularly evident in fashion sociology, in which, for example, body images and the emergence of certain fashion forms are addressed.

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Gender Stud­ies in the De­part­ment of Tech­no­logy and Di­versity

In particular, the Junior Professorship of Technology and Diversity held by Junior Professor Dr Ilona Howarth deals with questions of gender research.

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Gender Stud­ies in His­tory

In the subject area of history, Dr Anne F?rster is researching the construction of the category of gender in medieval historiography, focusing on the connection between power, rule and gender in particular, and Rieke Becker on the ruling strategies of a 17th-century regent, especially in relation to foreign relations...

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Gender Stud­ies in the De­part­ment of Phys­ics

In particular, the group for the didactics of special needs education led by Prof. Dr. Claudia Tenberge is involved in gender studies in physics, especially through teaching programmes.

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Centres, In­sti­tu­tions and Pro­jects Re­lated to Gender Stud­ies

Here you will find further centres, institutions and projects related to gender studies.

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