Of­fers from the Equal Op­por­tun­it­ies Of­ficer and Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

The following pages provide information about the various programmes on equal opportunities and the compatibility of studying/working and parenthood at Paderborn University.

The offers vary and range from qualification programmes for young female academics and students to support for university-affiliated parents as part of the family-friendly university. Paderborn University employees and students also have access to special programmes, which they can find out more about on the following pages.

Of­fers for pu­pils

Paderborn University offers pupils the opportunity to get to know the university as a place of learning and living.

Of­fers for stu­dents

The Equal Opportunities Officer at Paderborn University offers numerous programmes for students, including in cooperation with other offices at Paderborn University.

Of­fers for early ca­reer re­search­ers

An important task of Paderborn University's equal opportunities policy is to enforce equal opportunities between women and men, especially at an academic level.

Of­fers for em­ploy­ees in tech­no­logy and ad­min­is­tra­tion

Paderborn University attaches great importance to the further education and training of its employees. Since 2000, there has been a wide range of courses on offer as part of the internal further education and training programme, as well as lots of other useful information for employees.

Of­fers for pro­fess­ors

You can find a wide range of information on offers for professors here.


Audit Family-Friendly University

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University underwent the audit family-friendly university and was awarded a certificate as the first university in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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Audit Diversity-Friendly University

On 15 March 2023, berufundfamilie’s board of trustees awarded Paderborn University with the audit certificate.

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Paderborn University received the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for its equal opportunities-oriented personnel policy for the first time in 2009.

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Diversity Charter & Association

In October 2011, Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter.

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Charter for the Reconciliation of Career and Care

In April 2023, Paderborn University signed the Charter for reconciliation of career and care.

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[Translate to English:] Logo Zertifikat ?audit familiengerechte hochschule“
Logo "audit vielfaltgerechte hochschule" certificate
Logo of the "TOTAL E-QUALITY" initiative
Logo of the "Charter of Diversity" voluntary commitment
Charter on Reconciliation of Work and Care