Wel­come to the web­site of the Equal Op­por­tun­it­ies Of­ficer of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity!

On our website you can find out about the variety of tasks and focal points of the Equal Opportunities Officer. Topics relevant to gender equality, institutions and programmes as well as support measures are presented. You will also find information about equality-related measures and activities at Paderborn University.

A central goal of Paderborn University is to ensure equal opportunities for women and men and to achieve this in a targeted and sustainable manner where it has not yet been achieved.

In addition to a wealth of other information on the cross-cutting issue of equality, you will find, among other things, the following on our website:

You will also find up-to-date information on reconciling work/study and parenthood or caring responsibilities, events, lectures and workshops. We also offer specific workshops for (junior) female scientists as part of the qualification series "Career as a female scientist".

About us

Central Equal Opportunities Officer

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Equal Opportunities Officer Team

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Decentralised Equal Opportunities Officer

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New: Courses for Chil­dren at Uni­ver­sity Sports Centre

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Wichtige In­form­a­tion - Kinder­fer­i­en­freizeit Herbst 2024

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Chil­dren's hol­i­day camp au­tumn 2024

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PUKi re­opens on 07.10.2024

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Blossoming cherry trees in front of Paderborn University.


The following pages provide information about the various programmes on equal opportunities and the compatibility of studying/working and parenthood at Paderborn University. These offers are aimed at pupils, students, early career researchers, employees and professors.

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Fund­ing as part of the equal op­por­tun­it­ies concept

Two people are reflected in the glass front of the mensa at Paderborn University.

Fund­ing line 1

Institution of a WiMi position/staff pool for female graduates

Trees in summer on the campus of Paderborn University.

Fund­ing line 2

Support for female junior professors and postdocs through WiMi positions

Square in front of building G of Paderborn University.

Fund­ing line 3

Incentive system to increase the proportion of women in professorships


Complaints office for violations of the AGG

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Legal basis

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Security service for women

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Vacancies at Paderborn University

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Downloads (A-Z)

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Information on

Gender and Diversity Consulting

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Information and advice on sexualised discrimination and violence

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Gender-sensitive language

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Early change of first name and gender entry

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Gender portal

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The university in figures

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Detailed statistics

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Short film "Fe­male pro­fess­ors at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity"

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Short film: "Is cut­ting-edge re­search male?"

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Bro­chure Seize op­por­tun­it­ies

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Hall of Femmes

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Audit Family-Friendly University

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University underwent the audit family-friendly university and was awarded a certificate as the first university in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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Audit Diversity-Friendly University

On 15 March 2023, berufundfamilie’s board of trustees awarded Paderborn University with the audit certificate.

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Paderborn University received the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for its equal opportunities-oriented personnel policy for the first time in 2009.

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Diversity Charter & Association

In October 2011, Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter.

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Charter for the Reconciliation of Career and Care

In April 2023, Paderborn University signed the Charter for reconciliation of career and care.

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[Translate to English:] Logo Zertifikat ?audit familiengerechte hochschule“
Logo "audit vielfaltgerechte hochschule" certificate
Logo of the "TOTAL E-QUALITY" initiative
Logo of the "Charter of Diversity" voluntary commitment
Charter on Reconciliation of Work and Care