Equal opportunities officers of the faculties, central institutions and the university administration

The decentralised Equal Opportunities Officers cooperate with the central Equal Opportunities Officer of the university and represent her in the respective fields. They are elected by the women of the respective institutions for 4 years.

Guidelines for decentralised equal opportunities work can be found here.

Fac­ulty of Cul­tur­al Stud­ies

Sarah-Christina Henze

Office: W1.107
Phone: +49 5251 60-5491
E-mail: henzes@mail.uni-paderborn.de

Alina Kornbach

Equal Opportunities Officer - Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Fac­ulty of Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion and Eco­nom­ics

Leonie Marie Gotzeina

Office: Q1.313
Phone: +49 5251 60-2390
E-mail: leonie.gotzeina@uni-paderborn.de

Ronja Büker

SReL4En: Projektmitarbeiterin und -koordination

Office: Q1.313
Phone: +49 5251 60-2375
E-mail: ronja.bueker@uni-paderborn.de

Fac­ulty of Sci­ence

Bettina Krüger

Equal Opportunities Officer - Equal opportunity matters

Office: J1.128
Phone: +49 5251 60-5236
E-mail: bettina.krueger@uni-paderborn.de

Sarah Lipsmeier

Secretary - Secretariat

Office: SP.0.425
Phone: +49 5251 60-3905
E-mail: sarah.lipsmeier@uni-paderborn.de

Fac­ulty of Mech­an­ic­al En­gin­eer­ing

Sandra Gausemeier

Chief Engineer - Driver Assistance Systems Team Leader

Office: F0.332
Phone: +49 5251 60-6288
E-mail: sandra.gausemeier@hni.uni-paderborn.de
Web: Homepage

Jessica Klauke

Equal Opportunities Officer - Stellvertretende Gleichstellungsbeauftragte

Office: Y2.113
Phone: +49 5251 60-5332
E-mail: jessica.klauke@uni-paderborn.de

Fak­ult?t für Elektro­tech­nik, In­form­atik und Math­em­atik

Inga Gill

Equal Opportunities Officer -

Phone: +49 5251 60-2204
E-mail: eim-gleichstellung@lists.uni-paderborn.de
Web: Homepage

Olga Friesen

Analysis of piezoceramics, measuring automation

Office: P1.5.17.3
Phone: +49 5251 60-3018
E-mail: friesen@emt.uni-paderborn.de
Web: Homepage

Kerstin Sellerberg

Head - Marketing and Public Relations

Office: ZM2.A.03.25
Phone: +49 5251 60-6053
E-mail: sellerberg@sicp.de

Johanna Sch?nherr

Office: D3.213
Phone: +49 5251 60-4425
E-mail: johanna.schoenherr@uni-paderborn.de


Vera Kriesten

Head -

Office: BI1.114
Phone: +49 5251 60-2039
E-mail: v.kriesten@ub.uni-paderborn.de

Centre for In­form­a­tion and Me­dia Tech­no­logy Ser­vices (ZIM)

Kristina Klein

Office: N5.329
Phone: +49 5251 60-5452
E-mail: kristina.klein@uni-paderborn.de


Michaela Kemper

Secretary - Team assistant

Office: X1.105
Phone: +49 5251 60-1735
E-mail: michaela.kemper@uni-paderborn.de

Cent­ral ad­min­is­tra­tion

Karin Sch?fer
Room: C2.229
Phone: 60-4016
E-mail: schaefer(at)zv.uni-paderborn(dot)de