Of­fers and Fund­ing Op­por­tun­it­ies

On the following pages you will find information on the mentoring programmes offered at Paderborn University for young female academics as well as on internal and external funding options for doctorates:

Peer Ment­or­ing

As part of the "Insight!" peer mentoring programme, prospective female graduates talk to other female students about the prospect of a doctorate. This exchange is accompanied by a doctoral candidate who reports from her own experience, shares strategies for decision-making and provides information about the promotion of young researchers.

Ment­or­ing Pro­gramme for Fe­male Doc­tor­al Can­did­ates

The mentoring programme includes offers for different target groups that have been developed in accordance with the quality standards of Forum Mentoring e.V. The aim of the Paderborn mentoring programmes is to promote the career development of female students, doctoral candidates and female postdocs in studies and research.

Pro­mo­tion of Doc­tor­ates/Re­search Fund­ing

Paderborn University supports its academics with numerous offers and services, creating space for research. From the project idea to successful completion: We accompany you all the way.


Teaching and Studying

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Gender Research

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Gender Equality at UPB

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Gender Research/Gender Studies at UPB

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FAQ Equality

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Gender Glossary

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Dr. Annika Hegemann


Room E2.103
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 55
33098 Paderborn

Dr. Claudia Mahs

Zentrum für Geschlechterstudien / Gender Studies

Room H5.206
Paderborn University
365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Office hours

Sprechstunden: Studierende der UPB buchen bitte einen Termin über den Komo Kurs: KW.23.057 Sprechstunde Dr. Claudia Mahs

(Interessierte am Masterstudiengang Geschlechterstudien und  an der Anerkennungssprechstunde für den Masterstudiengang Geschlechterstudien sowie für Beratungen zum Mutterschutz schreiben mir bitte einfach eine Mail.)

Roxana Carls

Frauen gestalten die Informationsgesellschaft

Room P1.6.09.1
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn

+49 5251 60-3003 Send E-Mail Directions