In­form­a­tion for can­did­ates for ap­point­ment

After receiving a job offer

After you have received your job offer, please contact the President to inform them whether you are, in principle, happy to accept the job.

Appointment/contract negotiations

The appointment/contract negotiations initially take place in the faculty and are then continued with the Executive Board.

During the preliminary discussion with the faculty, the following issues should be discussed as a first step: What material resources, equipment and staff and what office space/workplace options (rooms, facilities) are available or to be expected for the professorship?

In addition, the financial framework with regard to funds, subsidies and grants

  • For research trips
  • For excursions and field trips
  • For inviting visiting professors
  • For lectures and colloquia
  • For hiring additional staff
  • For procuring special equipment and devices
  • For publications

is to be determined.

To be discussed separately with the University Library: Is the current supply of literature sufficient and, if needed, to what extent can the library provide separate funds for additional requirements?

In this connection, please contact the dean of the respective faculty.

During the appointment/contract negotiations with the Executive Board, the following topics are discussed in a congenial atmosphere:

  • The material resources, equipment and staff provided for the professorship
  • The remuneration (salary/compensation)
  • The timeframe for accepting and commencing the professorship

The basis for the salary negotiations are the documents verifying your previous salary (e.g. last payslips from the paying agency, previously concluded appointment agreements, employment contracts) and a statement about your personal salary expectations. These documents should be submitted to the Human Resources department (Division 4.2) no later than 14 days before the appointment/contract negotiations.

The appointment/contract negotiations are usually attended by the candidate, the President, the Vice-President for Operations, the dean of the relevant faculty and Department 1 (Finance). Negotiations on the salary amount take place in a smaller group. 

Offer of appointment

The candidate will be informed about the results of the appointment/contract negotiations regarding material resources, equipment and staff, as well as the results of the salary negotiations in separate letters in the form of offers.

After receiving these offers, the candidate will need to decide to accept (or reject) the offered appointment at Paderborn University within a reasonable period of time (approx. 4 weeks).

After acceptance of the appointment

Once the offers have been accepted, the appointment agreement must be signed. By signing this agreement, the candidate confirms their legally binding acceptance of the appointment. Following the signing of the agreement, the 4-week waiting period to allow for the submission of a potential legal complaint against Paderborn University by a competitor commences. After this period has expired – and if all the necessary requirements are met – the appointment can commence. In the case of a civil servant position, the appointment commences upon issue of the certificate of appointment or in the case of an employment relationship under private law, upon conclusion of an employment contract. The certificate of appointment may be issued or the employment contract signed no earlier than 4 weeks prior to the start of employment.

Additional information

If you have any questions regarding relocation expenses, separation allowances and travel expenses, please contact: 

Department 4 - Human Resources
Division 4.1
Ms Susanne Schwalk
Room: B1-232
Tel.: +49 (0)5251/60-3768

If you have any questions regarding the Dual Career Service, please contact:

Deputy Vice-President for
Mr Lothar Pelz
Room: B3.246
Tel.: +49 (0)5251/60-2545
E-mail: pelz(at)zv.upb(dot)de