Checklist for application for approval of a business trip
- The current form is used
- An excerpt from the programme or the invitation with details of the location and duration is attached
- Personal details are complete
- Destination is stated
- Purpose of trip is stated
- Data on the duration of the trip and the duration of the official business are complete
- Financing is secured (booking centre and personnel financing are indicated, cost centre manager has signed)
- Means of transport is specified & justified if necessary
- Financing of the trip in accordance with the NRW State Travel Expenses Act or, if applicable, in accordance with the Federal Travel Expenses Act (for some third-party funded projects, see the guidelines for use of the third-party funding body)
- Decision on application or limited declaration of consent by the superior
Approval may be granted subject to the following conditions:
- Regularly scheduled means of transport (with the exception of air travel) are to be used.
- A hired vehicle is to be used
- A company car is to be used
- A maximum travel allowance, up to the amount specified in the travel authorisation, is granted.
- Only travel expenses are reimbursed
- The reimbursement of travel expenses is limited to the following distances from/to the place of work
- Only per diems and flat-rate accommodation allowances are granted.
- Accommodation costs are reimbursed up to a maximum of the flat rate for overnight stays (equivalent to 20 euros in Germany, 30 euros abroad).