Fin­an­cial sup­port for fam­il­ies

You may be eligible for child allowance (?Kindergeld“) or parental allowance (Elterngeld).

The FamilienServiceBüro will be happy to help you with any questions you may have regarding child or parental allowance.

Child Allowance

The amount of the monthly paid child allowance depends on the number of children.

As of July 2019, for the first and second child, child allowance is 204 euros per month; for the third child it is 210 euros and for additional children the sum is 235 euros.

Applications must be made in writing to the local Family Office (Familienkasse).

More information can be found here (in German).

Parental Allowance

Parental allowance compensates for the loss of income following the birth of a child. After deducting taxes, social security payments and tax allowances, it amounts to 65-67% of the average monthly income available prior to birth, or a maximum of 1,800 euros, or a minimum of 300 euros.

A child’s father and mother may claim parental allowance in this form as "basic parental allowance" (Basiselterngeld) for a period of up to 14 months. The child’s parents can distribute this eligibility period between themselves as they wish. One parent may claim parental allowance for a maximum of twelve months.

Application for parental allowance must be made in writing to the office responsible for parental allowance in the federal states.

In Paderborn, applications must be submitted to the Youth Welfare Office (Jugendamt).

More information can be found here (in German).

Source and further information: Euraxess

Child Allowance

Citizens of the member states of the EU, the EEA and Switzerland may receive child allowance. The same applies to nationals of Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey on the basis of the respective bilateral agreements if they are liable to pay contributions for unemployment benefit under the terms of their employment in Germany.

Parental Allowance

Citizens of the member states of the EU, the EEA and Switzerland are usually eligible for parental allowance if they are employed in Germany or if they are not employed but live in Germany.

Child Allowance

Foreigners permanently resident in Germany are entitled to receive child allowance if they have a valid settlement permit or a residence permit for specific purposes.

Parental Allowance

Nationals of a non-EU member state are eligible for parental allowance if their residence in Germany is deemed permanent according to the type of residence title they possess and their access to the employment market. Those holding a settlement permit automatically fulfil this requirement. Those holding a residence permit only fulfil the requirements if they are also entitled to take up employment in Germany or have already worked here legally. Foreign parents who hold a residence permit for the purpose of studying or only in connection with a work permit for a specified maximum period are not eligible to receive parental allowance.