Be­fore leav­ing Pader­born

Depending on the duration and financing of your stay in Germany, there are various formalities you should take care of before you leave Paderborn. The following is a non-exhaustive list of aspects that may need to be considered before leaving.   

Cancel your tenancy agreement Usually, you have to cancel your tenancy agreement three months prior to your departure.  You should therefore give due notice in a written form and check whether you have to do any renovations, like painting the walls.
Make an appointment to handover your flat

You should arrange an appointment to hand over the keys (?Schlüsselübergabe“) to your landlord. We recommend to take a ?walk-through report“ (??bergabeprotokoll“) with you to confirm that the flat is in good condition and to record the meter readings (electricity, water, gas). Templates (in German) can be found here:

Please also keep in mind to arrange for the rent deposit to be reimbursed.

Cancel further contracts If you have signed any other contracts during your stay in Paderborn, e.g. for electricity and gas, additonal insurances, telephone, gym, newspapers, etc., you should also make sure to cancel them in due time.
Pension Service

If you were an employee of Paderborn University and paid social security contributions, you can contact the local branch of the ?Deutsche Rentenversicherung“ (Pension Service) and the ?Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der L?nder (VBL“) to discuss your pension entitlement.

Inform child care institutions If your child/children attended a kindergarten or school, you should inform them in good time that you are leaving.  
Redirection of your mail

You can request the redirection of your mail from Deutsche Post so that your mail is automatically sent to your new address.

On campus You can return your DeliCard to the DeliCard Service in the ME building. Please also remember to return any university keys and books you have borrowed.
Cancel your bank account If you have a bank account in Germany you would like to cancel, you should make sure that all existing standing orders are transferred to your new account and that you receive all outstanding payments (e.g. salary, scholarship)
De-register your residence

If you stayed in Paderborn for a longer period and are registered at the Residents‘ Registration Office, you can de-register one week before and up to two weeks after your departure. If you are moving within Germany, you just have to register at the Residents‘ Registration Office of your new place of residence.

Inform the licence fee collecting agency If you paid licence fees ("Rundfunkbeitrag"), you can cancel it online. Usually, you will need a deregistration certificate or a new registration certificate to prove that you are no longer a resident in Germany.
File tax declaration If you paid taxes in Germany, you can file your tax declaration online using ?ELSTER“ or you contact the tax office directly.
Contact Paderborn University's HR department If are/were an employee of Paderborn University, please contact the HR department before you leave.